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I recorded a little MoCap animation for the next video. In doing so, It all of the sudden occurred to me that we totally forgot about 'Dying Animations'. A lot of games these days usually just use "Rag-Doll" physics for their game deaths now, so it's necessary, but would you guys like us to include a few 'Dying/Getting Shot' animations with the White Blood Cell Soldier character we're gonna give away??

Let me know below!



it's probably not necesarry, but I'd love to see it anyway :) I guess this is more on the Game-Engine end of the works, but could Ragdolling and animations be mixed? Say depending on the damage a character got, he plays the animation to a certain point and then switches to ragdolling -> For a normal KO we would play the animation to it's end and the use ragdolling to find a good position on the ground. For a violent takedown we would play only a part of the animation and then ragdoll to get the more chaotic fall. And for total overkill we would skip the animation and just apply ragdolloing forces to send the character through the scenery :)


i went with yes because of the opportunity for something fun. I was thinking of the "overly Dramatic" death or "way to dramatic for a support character" death ;)


Yes they can actually. And, a lot of new games do this. For example in the original Halo, they just had straight rag-doll for death. In the more recent Halo's though they have a slight "starting" death animation, and then once the body gets close to the ground it goes into ragdoll haha