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Well, we're approaching the start of the next Tutorial Series. Just about everything is ready to go forward with the exception of the Enemy Infection 3D model. At the end of our game project I will put the Character Models up for Download, and the Rigged/Animated versions of the characters will be purchasable (Discounts for Patrons of course). The Character set will Include 1 "Exa", 2 "Male Macrophage Soldier", and 3 "Enemy Infection". Those will be the first characters we put up available for download.

NOW, I'm going to make 1 special exception to the Rigged/Animation rule for the sake of the Unity Tutorial Series. I think it's important that people following the series have access to an animated character that they can practice with in the event they don't have their own.
Which is why the Rigged/Animated Male Macrophage Soldier will be available for free.

So, what sort of animations do you think the Male Soldier should include?? This is really just an open question. Are they're any animations you think would be useful for most people? Are they're any animations you would like to just have personally. Please share any requests and hopes for animations you'd like to see make it into the Animation Set we give away -




Aside from the usual,.. here's a few random ideas off the top of my head :D Turning, climbing over somthing, dancing :), equiping rifle, firing wildy, taking damage,


I would like a generic animation of a body getting on/off of an item like motorcycle/bike and in/out of a vehicle, sliding on ground (like its ducking under something (vehicle, bunker, gate or low opening) :)