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I normally reserve updates like this for the King Tier, but this recent issue is very important, so I think our entire Patreon Squad should be aware. Some of you may be aware that we are fortunate enough to in possession of the ROKOKO MoCap suit. The suit was a gift from one of my best friends in College, they invested in ROKOKO early when it was still just a kickstarter. And backed the order of both the Suit & Gloves in 2015 -

Now, the gloves were supposed to be completed last year. And, when the gloves were completed in October, I was told that the glove shipping priority would be to "New" Buyers before Kickstarter Backers. Original backers were expected to receive their glove pledges by the end of the 2020, and so I made a lot of plans to do some animation testing around the idea that we would have the full suit and gloves, but needless to say, it's the end of January, and Original backers have no sign of receiving the gloves while new buyers have been receiving theirs for a few while now.

So, long story short, I have no idea when ROKOKO will decide to prioritize the gloves to Original Backers over new Buyers. I understand that the new buyers are paying the "Full Price" of the gloves, however Original Kickstarters have been waiting for these shipments for 6 Years now, so I am slightly disheartened that they are putting the people who have been waiting the longest at the end of the line to receive their pledges.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because I've recorded the next video. And, I've also recorded some Motion Capture for it because I thought it would be fun to watch. The video is 4:30 minutes long, and when you translate that to Blender, we get 30,300 frames of animation. And, since we don't have the gloves, I've been manually animating the fingers for each keyframe by hand, which you can imagine takes a ridiculous amount of time -

Luckily, I'm almost done, and so the next video should be ready in about 2 days. But, I wanted you guys to know why it's taking so long. Thank you so much for being patient, I promise I'm working as fast as I can to start pumping videos out as ASAP.

See you guys soon and as always, please have a Fantastic Day -




hey royalskies, i have 8 HTC vive trackers and a mocap software that produces .fbx ascii for unreal or .bvh for blender. A branch of the same software is designed for oculus quest to use the hand tracking data for mocap, and produces the same file outputs. The vive mocap works, but i haven't been able to stick the hand mocap on any bvh rig with vive and have it work and i ran into a brick wall. Anyway can i do some hand mocap for you? if it helps I will donate my time and you can put it into your release if it works. I'd be happy to do this just to renew my interest. Also i started making a movie with the original unrigged blendo a while ago. I have the first few minutes on youtube here https://youtu.be/ZN69IEMQr30 . Disclaimer: I was entirely learning on the fly from yours and other youtube videos while making this.


Hey Patrick, by the time I saw your comment I had already finished animating the fingers, but I really appreciate the offer to help. Means a lot to know there are amazing people willing to volunteer their time here on the Squad. On, a slightly unrelated note, out of curiosity how are the vive trackers? What's your take on their accuracy, and how easy are they to set-up and use?? P.S. I loved your movie -! I was sad when the Chicken vaporized :((((