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So, we had a few setbacks. Everything arrived, and I got everything installed quite painlessly. However, once I plugged in the Kinect, it kept disconnecting every 4-5 seconds. I restarted my machine and tinkered with a few things,  but it looks like the Kinect sensor had a damaged cable. I was able to find a sweet spot and get it to work by literally holding the cable into the sensor at a certain angle, and got it to work for about 60 seconds before my hand got tired.

To be fair, I did get a refurbished Kinect sensor, but  I was really hoping the refurbished one would be in good enough condition to be reliable. Maybe I got unlucky, but I'd rather not chance it again, so I've decided to order a New Kinect sensor as soon as I get the refund. So, we'll probably have to wait a few more days before I can get my hands on a new one.

I can say this though, in the 60 seconds my friends and I were able to test it, I was very surprised that it was able to read quite a bit of 'overlap', and the foot clipping was MUCH less than I expected. I can't say anything for sure, but if a normal functioning xbox 1 Kinect is anything like the tiny test I ran today, it might actually be a viable option for small Animation teams who just want to have some fun with mo-cap -

ON THE FLIP SIDE, iclone7 has incredible customer service, and their community is very helpful, friendly, and active. I asked for some basic tips for working with Kinect, and was met with a lot of helpful advice and information. I even got a character generator for free, which I'm exited to test with Blender's "Anime Style Shading" materials I'm seeing more of on YouTube -

Anyway, that's where we are at for now. One of you mentioned starting a chat where those of you who have experience in this field could put in your 2 cents together, and, it honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea once I get my hands back on a new sensor. Thanks for bringing this idea to my attention. I have a feeling I'll probably end up doing this as I get deeper into this next week. But, I'd like to get a  headcount first. How many of you have experience with Kinect, and would like to participate in a small "Kinect > Blender" chatroom/discord-ish experience?? Again, I haven't decided anything yet, but it's good to know how many people we have here who can help solve issues we may encounter soon -



Well okay. Let's make a discord server yay. Can I still join even if I don't have experience with Kinekt?


I have enough experience to be dangerous. 8-) Discord-ish chatroom sounds good.


That's fine, even if all you do is follow along, you'll probably learn a lot from the discussion. Though, I still haven't decided exactly when yet -