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So! Amazon says that the parts should arrive tomorrow! I'll immediately begin tinkering with it, and documenting step by step how I got everything to work (Fingers crossed for everything to go smooth lol). On the flip side, what type of Animations would you like me to test out first??



I mostly want to see to what degree you can capture movement, how complex the movements can be.


Hmmm - my post didn't come through. So I'll repeat myself....I've already done some tinkering ahead of time with Kinect-2. Coming from previous projects with Motionbuilder, I wanted to know whether I could capture data and feed it into Motionbuilder for cleanup and the answer to that is "yes" - sorta. LOL. Kinect-2 (if that's the one you are leaning to use) seems to me to be a tad wonky. It "does" recognize skeletal positioning right away and is pretty good at tracking movements. Hands seem OK. Not fingers, of course. You need more refined capture for that. Feet tend to be jittery. You'll definitely need to be using a graphics card that is Directx-2 compatible. USB-3.0 works for me using the Renesas chipset. Have not tested the Intel chip. It is definitely, though, a USB bandwidth hog. I got a little more mileage out of cobbling together a mocap only PC Tower stripped down for only the hardware I needed. This is also a pretty good solution to keeping your main system from processing overload since you can network the two systems. Make sure you install Microsoft's 2.0 SDK for Kinect before you go and explore data processing apps. The SDK has a test option that will verify your Kinect setup. Each test in the list will go green if the SDK thinks you are good to go. Mine tanks on the USB being recognized. Maybe because I am using an older chipset for the USB. But regardless, it works capturing data. So if you get a red indicator it might not be the end of the world. I was able to capture raw data fed right into Blender though, again, it takes some wrangling to get it right. Suggest you start a discussion thread so anyone who has tinkered, or is following along with your journey, can throw in their 2 cents. Maybe, just maybe, someone will come up with an elegant solution for the current needs. One can always hope, right? 8-)