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Alright! Polls have been done for a couple of days, but I hadn't taken the time to run the weighed calculations on the Story Poll until just now, hence only now doing the poll results. I'll mostly just mix the progress reports in with the results, save for Left Hand Magic which will get it's own blurb at the end. Let's dive in!

Left Hand Magic - Focus Poll

This one surprised me a little, I admit. Talia's Route took a clean victory with 50% of the vote. With Revina and Trix each getting 25% in turn. I honestly hadn't realized Talia was popular enough to make the victory that wide. Though, since the number of people that voted was unusually low, that might not actually be the case? Either way, there's no question she won, so Talia will be getting as much of her Week 6 content as I can manage in this month's build!

June Short Story Poll

First, the results:


The Dungeon Town (Challenge Room): 81.5

Alyia and the Magic Shop: 50

The Starship Promise - Rimworld: 31.5

The Kinky Spellbook: 23

An App for That: 15

Andrea of the Silver Key: 13


I've long since stopped trying to predict which story will win this one. You all always end up surprising me. This time was no different, with The Dungeon Town taking a completely unexpected win. Which, honestly, is fine with me. The whole reason I didn't shift the description of that story this time (as I often do month to month) is because I like the idea of the Challenge Room option. I wanted to give it another chance, and I'm glad I did! It's next on my list, writing projects wise, so hopefully I'll get a start on it within the next couple of days.

June Mixed Media Short Poll:

This one was a bit less of a shocker, with The Virtual Trap (Part 7) walking away with 75% of the vote, Cara Loft taking the other 25%, and Xanadu Emporium getting completely shut out (ouch!). I'm quite pleased withThe Virtual Trap taking the victory this time, as I actually have a more complete outline of the next section than usual. Enough so I was able to jump right into rendering for it, with two renders already done at this point. I'll be doing at least one more tonight, probably two. So that's a solid start there already!


Left Hand Magic Progress Report


As for Left Hand Magic, things are going pretty much as expected! I've already finished Days 3 and 4 for Arianna...with Day 4 containing the long-promised Full-Drone experience that was intended to be part of the route from the day hypnosis won the kink poll for her route. That particular bit of content is fairly involved, which slowed me down a bit. Despite that, I've also got most of the stills done for her Day 5, and full expect to set up the first animation for her Day 5 before crashing. I have a bit of an important appointment to keep later in the day, so I'm not sure how much more I'll get done. But progress is solid so far!



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