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Alright! So...I almost didn't do a progress report here. Since I'm no longer doing wallpapers or a second short story in the month, the only thing to report on until the polls end on the 10th is Left Hand Magic. Still, I should keep everyone updated. Particularly since this does go to show the difference trimming those extras out has already made.

Specifically, I'm already fully done with Arianna's Week 6, Day 3 content. Well...sort of. I'm actually re-running the second animation because there was something in the end result I didn't like. But even that will be finished just after Midnight, letting me get on to Day 4s stills tonight. I'm fully expecting to have Day 4 do by the 10/11th as well. Which will mean 4 new animations and all their accompanying stills done by that point. If things go smoothly, I'll be done with Day 5 around the 13th, then on to the Poll winner's Route.

If things go even half as well as I hope, I'm fully expecting to hit 13 animations this build, with that number possibly even stretching to 15. Instead of the 9 animations that have been in the previous 3 builds. Part of that is because Weekday content is a little less complex than Weekend Events. But most of it is the difference in freeing up the extra time. The only thing (barring unexpected things I can't plan for) that might throw a wrench in the works is that I want to make a bit of alternative content for one of Arianna's scenes. Something that will trigger in place of Day 4, if you've opted to go with the Friends with Benefits route instead of the full relationship. We'll see how much that slows things down, if at all.

Anyway, the point is that I'm managing to get farther, faster, without stressing myself out nearly as badly. So I think I made the right choice in trimming out the Wallpaper and Secondary Short Story rewards...



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