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Now Sharn here I designed myself, and I liked the client's idea for an orcish alchemist. You don't see a lot of orcs known for their smarts in fantasy all that often. Though she is a half-orc, which to me fits a nice balance between "hot" and "monstrous." It's win/win! :D




Looks like I need to start eating more greens


I kind of love how "sexy underbite Orcs" has become a big thing in online fetish stuff over the past few years. I assume this is a Warcraft thing? Because they were ugly as sin in Warhammer and D&D, which is where I'm most familiar with that race :). It's like how InCase has led to a huge rise in Hobbit-Type Porn. Or how I'm trying to make everyone want to get nude pics of the Wicked Witch of the West :).


Actually, this is a completely original story concept. I've been developing it for a while now. Reinbach has been very instrumental with helping me develop the characters. I couldn't have done it without out him.


Great job on the original series. Seems like it will be most interesting. Her eyes are entrancing as well.


Glad you think so! I still have one more profile on the way. :)

Bob Fink

You rock! This is very well done and the teeth don't take away from her total hotness ;)!


Thanks! Sometimes a little bit of otherworldliness goes a long way towards making a character hot, I feel.