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EDIT: So I've been working on these profiles off and on for so long that I flat out forgot that I already posted this first one way back when.  Hope you liked a chance to see her agin if you haven't and I'll post a new one shortly! 

Hey look at me drawing someone with all their clothes on! Has to happen every now and then lol. Melandra here is the first of three fantasy character profiles I've been working on for Neverstreet in the last few months.  Of the three she's the only one I didn't design the costume for, that credit goes to an artist named My Pet Tentacle Monster.  I may not have had a chance to draw anything smutty featuring her yet but some other very talented artists certainly have.  Check out the links below if you're interested. :)

Kumi Pumi's Melandra 

Goozie's Melandra 




Very lovely! Didn't I see this while doing an Archive Crawl just yesterday? I could have sworn I saw this exact picture in there. PS you draw clothed women so nicely I'm often tempted to ask for commissions of women wearing clothes. Then I come to my senses and insist on nudity again :).


You're right good catch! Here I was thinking I hadn't posted any of these yet but I forgot I did post this first one last year. I feel quite the fool!

Bob Fink

You did an amazing job here, she's so gorgeous! The detail given to her drop dead gorgeous face and beautiful hair, nailed it!


I'd love to see her bow technique with those melons hanging there