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And so ends Disney Princess Month!  My thanks to everyone who followed along. I figured there was no better way to cap it off than to make a pic featuring the two most requested characters together. 

As for the characters themselves, I've talked about Jasmine in the past.  If I remember correctly one of the points I made about her is that you'd never see a female character dressed in such a skimpy and provocative outfit in a modern cartoon today, and I still think that.  As for Elsa here, well I watch every major animated film that comes out pretty much so I did see Frozen.  I thought it was cute enough but it didn't really speak to me the way it seemed to do for so many millions of others. Though I have to say that from a character design standpoint I love Elsa's look, that hairdo is badass. 

Anyhow hope you guys are having a great Monday.  Stick around next week because I have another round of new comic characters to get your feedback on. :)



Jariah Synn

The way Jasmine looks in your style is outstanding


Oh MAN that is good! Exactly as sexy as I'd hoped :)! I'm one of many who fell in love with Frozen. Of course, I might be biased, as I'd decided I was going to love it as soon as I'd heard that Idina Menzel (who's played a certain emerald-skinned woman I'm also obsessed with commissioning smut of :)) was playing the Snow Queen herself. That the character was designed like THAT (that hair! That DRESS!), AND got to sing a variation of "Defying Gravity", that also spoke to people's innermost desires & fears. Yeah, I was there. Also, BOOBIES!! I love how you've rendered Elsa's gorgeous globes here- perky and big, but in that great "medium range" you've become so adept at drawing. Much as I love the monstrous hooters you give Casey & Bria, in terms of sheer beauty, these boobs are hard to beat. Elsa just has one of those character designs that looks good in every possible way- I should know, because I'm usually commissioning them (Lesbian Elsa! Hetero Elsa! Dominatrix Elsa! Slave Elsa! Nine Months Pregnant Elsa!). Especially with globs of semen all over her :). Nice work on Jasmine, too- she's not one of my favorites (especially once every trashy woman named their daughters after her- my cop friend tells me he's thusly ALWAYS arresting "Jasmines"!), but you totally captured that Mediterranean nose of hers. So, um, I'm a fan. Great work!

Bob Fink

I've never seen these two look more sexy than they do in this render, very well done!


Thanks! There's certainly a lot of fan art out there so the competition is pretty stiff lol.


Funny I considered Elsa's breasts to definitely be in the "small" category here lol. Glad you like how they came out and I'm glad you like Jasmine's face. I was pleased with how they looked distinct from each other here, not like I just swapped hairstyles and skin tone.


I thought Frozen was very overrated. I actually enjoyed Tangled a lot more.


I have heard of fans being in one of those two camps. Since both movies are so similar in many ways it's easy to compare them.