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So recently I've been enlisting an artist named Reiq to critique my work on occasion.  He's an extremely skilled hentai artist and his input has been quite valuable. The downside is the guy is busy as hell so it isn't easy for him to produce critiques in a timely fashion. But better late than never right? Anyhow I applied his suggestions and I certainly think the picture is better for it. :)




Yeah it looks really good. MJ's tits are amazing....


Thanks! Part of the critique was to have the left one sticking out because its silhouette is stronger.

Bob Fink

Awesome his suggestions really make this scene pop!!


Well as if it wasn't already clear I am definitely not at artist lol. I had to look up the old image to even notice the differences and between the two I still kind of like the original. There are small elements of the new one (like his hand on the back of her head) that I enjoy but overall I kind of prefer the original.


Thanks! I can call on him once a moth and I'll be taking advantage of it. :)


Hey to each their own, this version is much more structurally sound from an anatomical standpoint, and that's the kind of thing I tend to obsess over. ><

Stush Cinta

Reiq is a pretty great artist. It's nice to see two rad people working together!


Thanks! I'm pretty excited about getting to call on him every now and then. :)