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Asuna wins this week! I wouldn't say I exactly have my finger on the pulse of the modern anime community,  but even I know that Sword Art Online is a show that's as popular as it is divisive.

Casual viewers tend to enjoy it, but hardcore anime fans almost unanimously dismiss it as a show for "people who've never seen an anime before," likening it to the sort of loud brainless blockbusters that Michael Bay cranks out.  I watched the first series but haven't seen its sequel, because last I checked it isn't available in English on Netflix. The fact that I prefer dubs should tell you which camp I'm in, but I can't say I like the show 100%. It has its pros and cons if you ask me.

I'll keep this spoiler free as best I can.

I liked the premise of a community trapped in an online rpg, and all the little in-jokes for longtime MMO players like myself. I liked that the battles carried a lot of weight to them, because of the unique premise all the characters were essentially innocent victims.  This made deaths seem more tragic and upped the stakes of the fights. I would criticize it for being one of those shameless, vicarious male power fantasy shows where everyone with breasts is in love with the main guy by the end, (seriously even his family members aren't immune,) but I've seen worse offenders. Hell, at least this guy is good looking, powerful and special within the rules of his world.  As I already harped on last week, in  most of those harem shows the guy is just a random plain-looking chump, making his chick magnet prowess even more inexplicable. I think my biggest problem with the show is how oddly paced it is.  I can't say much more without blowing anything but that first season is pretty much two different shows crammed into one.

Ever seen the show? Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear any spoiler free opinions if you have them. Either way I hope you guys like the pin up, next week it's one of two lady companions from Fallout 4. :D




Ive seen very little SAO but the art looks clean, also protagnist getting the girls doest bother me here Better then in western tv shows/movies, the main guy who gets the girls is some big dumb jock P.S yay for more fallout i hope piper gets picked. P.P.S i hate suicide mutants i swear ill murder one so i can steal his "nuke"


Oh yeah those suicide mutants are the worst. >< And yeah I didn't mean to rag on the show too hard, personally I think if you're an anime fan it's just one of those ones that's worth seeing, love it or hate it.

Bob Fink

Very well done as always!


Hmmmmm, it's not often somebody brings across the discomfort of anal sex in a believable, non rapey way. I applaud you ability to do so!


Sometimes I feel like I'm perpetuating a negative stigma with anal sex when it comes to the ladies I draw. The fact is I've personally met very few women who admit to liking it, so I guess I'm just drawing what I know lol.

Stanley Kuo

I stopped watching SAO after about 7 episodes in. It was a boring show and aside from Asuna there's no other characters I particularly like. The premise was IMO pretty awful and this is coming from a guy who used to play lots of MMO. I do love the art and I hope you'll do more with Asuna in the future.


Thanks! And yeah I'll agree SAO was a mixed bag that couldn't seem to pick a tone. Also I feel it went on for like 10 pointless episodes after the story had ended. But I did enjoy the artwork and the action for sure.


I don't watch much anime anymore, but this chick is cute as hell! I love her trepidation at the anal sex, like she's slllooooowwwwwwwwwllllllyyyyyyyy lowering herself deeper and deeper onto that cock, and it KINDA feels good, but the stretching is just too much for her to take it all in at once. A much sexier look than if she'd just dove onto the thing and went balls-deep.