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You can find it on PC here and Mac here.  

Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Your bug and typo reporting has been very helpful. There was so much to take in you'll have to forgive us if we haven't fixed every single thing yet, but this version addresses a good amount of the issues from when we first dropped this build a few weeks ago. Naturally we'll keep working to make this game as good as it can be, and we hope you're as excited as we are for the next proper update! 



The PC link points to https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive which i don't think is where you wanted it to point...


¡Downloading it right now! ¡Thank you!


Is there a changelog included? I didn't notice anything to jarring,I'm wondering what I missed


Shouldn't be anything drastic, this is mostly just fixes to glitches, typos, and ways for the player to get stuck.


hello, I was wondering how often game is updated, I'm new and dont know these things yet. hoping it's monthly or so as i would like to nut on chloe some more. also, is the discord only for 10$+ or can anyone join?


Hey there! We're still working on hammering down a consistent release schedule for the game, but the goal is to do a major update every two months. The discord server is for the $10 only, and that's largely because if I keep the server size relatively small I'm actually able to answer questions and engage supporters directly, and if I opened it up to everyone that wouldn't be possible.