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Went with a classic here, Tifa from Final Fantasy 7. I caught a video on Youtube this weekend showing a 3D model of her someone made that blew me away and inspired this pic. I'll link it down below if you're interested. 

Took a shot at portraying what I call the "boob flop" here, being where a busty woman lifts up a tight top and her breasts are pulled up with the fabric for just a second before dropping down. I could watch GIFs of that kind of thing all day, I find the motion hypnotic. Anyhow, if you'd like to see any other FF girls in the coming weeks let me know. :)

EDIT: Had it pointed out to me on Discord that this phenomena is quite widely known as the "titty drop." I've been at this four years in June, and I'm still learning new things about porn. 

Tifa Video 



alex baker

I love it when you include motion in your sketches, also is there anything sexier than a flash


Oh, oh MY! This is GORGEOUS! I love it! As for Final Fantasy Ladies... I mean, since you drew Tifa, Aeris should at least be considered.


Hey glad you like it, thanks! I normally wouldn't mention a spoiler like this publicly, but since Aeris is one of the most famously murdered characters in the history of gaming, I can comfortably say that I wouldn't draw her because I have a strict "no dead girls" policy in my porn.

Licorice Lain

Gotta go with Lani as far as suggestions go. She is underappareciate and could use some hardcore smut.


Wow that's a nice obscure one. Had to look her up before I remembered her.

Senoj Nai

Check out /r/tittydrop


I feel like i'm gonna get burned alive for saying this, but... i haven't played the original FFVII, although i want to play the remake. Still, maybe i'll buy it to see how was that game, since mi first FF was the IX (which i love it). Still, it's impossible not to know Tifa's... great... aptitudes... and i love the motion you gave it in the pic. As for suggestions, since you've already did Yuna from FFX, it would be great to see Rikku. I don't remember if you've drawn Lulu, but she is also hot AF. Crowe is one of my favorites, but since she is dead well... nope. Aranea from FFXV is also a great character, but it's a shame she didn't get enough screentime.

Bob Fink

This is so awesome and I agree this action is so hot and mesmerizing and she has the perfect breasts for it.


Oh, what about Payne from FFX-2? Also, at the risk of also being crucified... FFVII wasn't an especially great game. It was revolutionary for its time but the medium has advanced a lot since then.


Celes from FFVI. Wears a skin-tight leotard into battle.