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This may be one of the only times you'll ever see Casey tuck her hair behind her left ear instead of her right one. In porn movies you often see a bit of fourth wall breaking in that people are always brushing hair out of the way to make sure the blowjob isn't being obscured from the camera. As a similarly visual medium, it's a problem for porn comics as well. 

At least some of my personality can't help but bleed into the characters I write, but some obviously get a bigger portion than others. Morgan got a big one in that she shares my penchant for overthinking things when she should be just enjoying the ride. Not one of my better traits, but hey, write what you know? 



That black guy

I know when I had dreads I'd hate for them to get in the way


Long hair was an issue in the Liz/Warren scene too. I had to position it so it conveniently parted so you could see she was even kissing him.


I like Morgan's inner dialogue, especially on the onset... as she gets more aroused, seeing her start to just get lost in the moment as things progress is kinda hot! Love how this is going! Waiting with baited breath for the next page... really wanna see Casey's handiwork pay full dividends!


Oh my fucking GOD Morgan is just divine. The way you draw her breasts just gets hotter and hotter with every comic. The shot from that angle, close-up, is AMAAAAAAAAAZINGGGGGGGGG.


As always they are on the way! I try to knock out two per week when I can, but this page took longer than I hoped and I don't want to rush the next one.


Thanks! It wasn't easy to get to look right so I'm glad it paid off.

Bob Fink

Looks like Morgan is letting go and enjoying the ride, although she almost ruined it by over think the situation. I like the hair tuck as you say it's done a lot in porn to keep an un obstructed view of the real action. Now the only question is, once she cums will she return the favor on Casey?


I always have trouble with that. As far as pacing is concerned, I feel like them taking turns on each other just makes the scene go on too long. But I've found a workaround I'll be employing the next time two girls have sex in TRW. :)

alex baker

I get the distinct impression she will not have problem cumming for Casey and she won't want to play by herself anymore


Wow, I didn't realize Morgan was a virgin... I didn't think anyone at Castlewood still had their V Card...


Their numbers are few. Abbey and Elianna are the only others so far.


Morgan's insecurities in her thought train is actually kind of cute.


^_^ More Lesbian ^_^

frank barry

Morgan looks so beautiful here, especially the last panel!


So incredibly hot... Highlights are Casey leaning in with a moan, and Morgan's unfocused stare in the last panel.. so well captured, I can't get enough Casey..


I want to have some meaningful comment here, but I'm stuck at "Damn". These two are beautiful, this scene is great, and if Switch plays a joke and makes the strap on Casey ends up using on Morgan become a permanent and 'natural' attachment replacing her clit I'm gonna laugh.Oh, this town seems magical anyway, why not have her clit turn into a penis depending on how butch she feels?


Might be a bit jarring to most readers lol. Futa is a pretty divisive thing to just drop into the mix. XD


Oh you gon learn, girl


This maybe one of my favorite pages till the date. First of all, that sweet lesbian action is looking pretty great, and those gestures kill me. The first two panels are a huge turn on... but, i also like what you mention about overthinking stuff instead of enjoyng the moment... and i can relate to that too because i'm like that.


Awesome! I do my best to make these girls sympathetic when I can. :)


Sure thing! Glad you found it relatable. :)