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Holy crap the remake of Resident Evil 2 is the scariest mothafuckin' game I ever muthafuckin' played. I finished it with Leon this week, and I think it will be at least a month before I even think about going through it with Claire. My nerves need a rest for crying out loud. 

Personally I loved the return to form that was Resident Evil 7, but I like this remake of 2 even better. I didn't find the crud monsters from RE7 scary in the least, but the zombies in this new one? Fucking terrifying. From the way they suck up bullets to how they "play dead" to having two of them team up to slam you to the ground, I do not want these things to bite me. Which means the game did something right. 

Have you played the game? How about any of the older ones? If so I'd love to hear which entry is your favorite and why. 




It was crazy scary but I feel like it was a lot easier playing Claire B than when I went through Leon A. Give it a shot, I bet you'll blast through it way quicker.


Crazy! I kept hearing that Caire B was pretty much "hard mode." But I guess that type of thing is subjective.


I played them all except 7, haven't gotten around to r2make yet, my favorite in the series is r1make because it had the best overall setting and cast of characters. Any game with Barry in it is automatically the best.

Bryan Allen

Clair A Leon B. No one plays it in the canon order 🙄

That black guy



Hot. Very nice, man.

Licorice Lain

My reaction wasn't quite as extreme, but it is up there in my top list, not too far from Alien: Isolation. Also, I did Claire first and lemme say that Leon's B story is relentless.


To this day, the remake of RE1 remains one of my favorite games of all time. Especially since they remade it in HD. I play it at least once a year. :)


No! We gotta stay true to the books by SD Perry written in the 90's! XD


It's funny, with the immediate success of this remake of RE2, the remake of RE3 is all but certain at this point. But with all the complaining I've heard about Mr. X, I'm not sure the kids will care for Nemesis much. He can run! And has a rocket launcher! XD


I keep meaning to pick up Alien Isolation just from word of mouth. I guess I'm generally not a fan of horror games where you're defenseless though. To me, being able to fight back, but with limited resources, is way more fun.


I've never been big on horror games. I can do horror movies easy but the act of actually controlling the character creeps me out lol. The only time I ever play them is when I'm with friends. I played RE7 with a group of friends. We just took turns and passed the controller when one of us died so it was actually fun. We even tried out the VR version. I definitely never would have played it on my own. RE5 was the first Resident Evil I ever played and the only one I've ever owned and the only reason I got it was because it was co-op lol. I didn't even want to play the first Bioshock because it creeped me out so much but it came free with Bioshock Infinite so I felt like I had to play it. That ended up being the right decision since Infinite tied into the first game.


For sure! Horror games are certainly an acquired taste. Personally I'm not a fan of the modern stuff like Amnesia and Outlast. If you can't fight back, I'm not having fun. And RE5 was awesome for what it was. My brother and I had a blast with it. But it was way too action-packed to be scary, which I'm aware is what they were going for, but I feel like something important to the series got lost along the way there.


If they had scenes like this I'd consider it, but I've never been a fan of "resource management horror". If I'm gonna play in unrealistic games, not gonna elect one where I'm at more of a disadvantage than I am in real life. That said, outstanding pic here.


Ooh, very lovely! I always love the Pin-Ups- they always have the loveliest proportions. I think a combination of the photo references, and the fact that it's a big pic that you can work on with no "interference" from a commissioner, combine to always make these extra special. Less "exaggeration", I guess. Case in point, these breasts- they're HUGE and just extraordinarily nicely shaped, but not too big or too small. They fit her just perfectly. Nice work on the eyes, too- I don't think I've seen you shade underneath the eyes like that before- a lesser artist would make that look "tired", but here she just looks ULTRA-lusty somehow. Overall, this is just terrific.


Maybe she's lusty AND tired. They are dealing with a zombie outbreak after all XD


Haven't really played the games aside from RE5 since I'm not a big fan of zombies (or limited ammo, for that matter, ha), but I am a fan of boobjobs, so... yeah:)


I'm a lifelong fan of the RE series and they nailed number 2 with this remake. My only annoyance is with fans already asking for Nemesis to be redone, it's like 2 JUST came out. Give it time and stop being greedy y'know? I mean we still have other games to look forward to this year. But anyway the game was epic, currently on my Claire play through.


For sure, I know this type of game is an acquired taste. Usually I'm not into horror games in general, especially since Silent Hill is no longer a thing, but I'll always have a soft spot for Resident Evil. :D


Given how RE2 is already outselling RE7, you can bet we'll be swimming in remakes from Capcom in no time. For good or bad, you can always count on them to milk a trend dry. Not sure people realize what thy're asking for with Nemesis though. I'm hearing a lot of complaints about Mr. X lol. And he doesn't even sprint or have a rocket launcher. XD