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Hey guys I just want to give a quick heads up about my schedule this week. So, due to extenuating circumstances, I need to fly back home to Washington a full month earlier than I planned. Naturally, this throws a huge wrench into my work plans. I'll do my best to stay on schedule but I want to announce early that this week's page of TRW may run a bit late. Sorry for any possible delays. For what it's worth, after this I'm done traveling for the immediate future, and shouldn't be suffering any upcoming work delays related to how awful flying is and how much it drains me.   


Bob Fink

Have a safe flight.

alex baker

Shit happens

That black guy

Safe travels and take your time if whatever the trip entails requires more of your focus then trw would allow you


Wow, that's inconvenient for you. Sudden moves are a nuisance- hope everything goes okay. I don't mind a small delay in the comics... but if I pretended to be pissed off, would you include a Miss Holt/Morgan sex scene? Just checking :D.

Lord Washington

Ever wanna get a beer? Look me up dude :)


Don't worry. Have a safe flight.


Safe travels mate :)


Thanks! Hopefully I'll have time to get out more once I get caught up on work. :)


Thanks for understanding! :)