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To those of you who I've told "I don't like doing alt versions" while discussing commissions in the past, I'd like to say that my stance is easing up on them. It just varies on a case by case basis determined by how much extra work it will be, so I'm open to discussion about them from now on.

Actually one of the main issues I have with alt versions is that something, to me at least, feels just wrong when I post the same art twice here at Patreon. Something about it just feels lazy to me I guess. Thankfully in this case Sarah Hawke made it a non-issue by making this single image comparing both versions for her own supporters. Gotta say I laughed out loud at that second cover's subtitle when I first saw it.

If you'd like to check out the ebook you can find it right here.   

EDIT: Thanks to a suggestion from That Black Guy, I've included both originals as attachments below. 



That black guy

Both versions of the pic look good, you could alway do as an attachment with both versions or the more risqué version


........ok why the hell did I never think of that? Adding it in right now.


Very beautiful! Your draw slender girls in such a lovely way sometimes, and perky boobs are just as good as huge boobs. Okay they're not, but they're close! Love her sexy expression in the second pic- it's crazy how much emotion you get out of just a subtle eye-change. LOL at the title. And yeah, you've mentioned the "no alts" thing once or twice. The most I got was extra "sploosh" in a Wicked Witch pic, because that was minor :). I don't normally ask for alts, though. Once I asked for panties to be in or out of some pics, which was pretty minor. Also I got an artist to do a pregnant and non-pregnant versions of Belle in a sexy pic (... what? DON'T JUDGE ME!!)

That black guy

And I found an ad with this the clothed top version on 1d4chan