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This month's sketch for KainRezo 072 stars Brigitte from OverWatch. I'm not familiar with the character, but I did hear she was pretty divisive, as a lot of players seemed to think she was overpowered? If there are any OverWatch players reading this I'd be curious to hear what your perspective on her is.



Bob Fink

She very hot and that's some facial she has going there :D


Honestly I find the people who think shes overpowered incredibly whiny. And usually its people playing characters that Brigitte directly counters that say this. I play her pretty regularly and shes good, but not overpowered in my eyes.


I play her, people just gotta play Pharah to counter her


God DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN she's beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Is she supposed to be asleep? Because she looks ridiculously at peace- it's lovely. I was wondering if you were gonna lean more towards curves or towards muscles, since the character is very much in between the two "body types", so I was amused to see it be a big close-up where you can't tell :). But that only improves the pic. Dear GOD that lovely little smile she's got going on. That is so good, and so hard to do right.


i totally love brigitte, brigette, baguette shes the hottest character in the game and no shes not OP just annoying and useless if she tries to fight multiple people She has a shield but no tank hp so she can be squashed easily. People die to her because of poor teamwork and poor team formation and 1v1s you because of her weak attack you can practically force your way in with mei, freeze and headshot her. The trades are obivious that mei has an advantage, unless brit stuns and attacks first


Cool, I'm a bit out of the loop, so for all I know all the complaints people had about her have been long since patched out.


Yes she's supposed to be asleep, that's why I gave her the little smile, didn't want things to look too non-concenting.

Stush Cinta

Holy crap, she looks amazing <3