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Hey guys I recorded this month's Reintalk today while I made this sketch, only to find that my 30-minute video was an unusable mess that kept flashing white inexplicably during viewing. I thought I had this fixed but apparently not. I'll do some research and take another shot at it tomorrow.

In the meantime I figured I may as well not let the sketch go to waste. Hope you like this one of Quistis, my favorite character from the  underrated Final Fantasy 8. 




I think FF8 might be the only game in the series where the intended love interest is the one people like the least, and the girl with no appreciable romantic feelings for anyone is the general favorite.


That's true. I did like Rinoa but she was pretty bland compared to the other two.

Bob Fink

This is a very sexy render and she's very hot!


Damn- that's too bad about your recording situation. Technology is weird. I'd probably listen to it if you just released the audio file, though I'm sure "I'll just add ____ to HERE..." stuff would fly over my head :). I don't know who this girl is- FF8 is a game I've only heard about in negative terms from friends who've played it. Stuff about your main rival being killed by a random monster or something. I never got into it. Seems like the bastard child of the fandom... until it added MORE bastard children :). I like how you've drawn her lips, though! Very sensual, and a way different shape and "pose" than I've ever seen you draw before.


Glad you like how it came out, looking at it now her face looks a lot "longer" than what I normally draw, but she doesn't look unattractive to me, might be a nice way to add diversity to new characters later on.