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This commission for Boinkmeister is a profile pic of sorts featuring a sci-fi variation of his character. Her design reminds me of something out of Heavy Metal magazine, which is a funny thought because before Switch started getting attention I was doing my best to put together a comic to submit to that very publication. I'd still consider that a possibility someday, but I'm not sure Heavy Metal is still going. Their website hasn't even updated this year. Be a shame to see it go, it was one of my earliest introductions to adult comics. But in the end I think not submitting worked out in my favor. Can't think of any comic I'd have rather spent the last few years working on than Switch. :) 




Holy shit- look at all that hair! Really impressive-looking specimen there! Giant metal... sorta-bra... thing... is interesting, too. Something like that could only work in Heavy Metal. I've read fairly little of the magazine (which is VERY typically "British"- everything's a dystopian, crapsack future in the stuff I've seen :)), but the movie was and is AMAZING- totally ludicrous, darkly hilarious, and full of kick-ass late '70s rock!


I feel like it would be a different landscape in animation if Heavy Metal's spark had managed to set a fire back then. Animated movies for adults ALMOST became a thing in America during the 80s but alas, it just didn't catch on.

Bob Fink

Damn, this is so awesome! Very well done!!