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Hey guys this story takes place during the events of Switch, and presents what happened next with Casey's parents during the final chapter. Hope you like it!

Sylvia had been staying with Miles for over a week now. A couple of years had passed since the last time this happened, but she would bet that the crew at his little window cleaning business still knew that when the ex wife came around, they wouldn't be seeing their boss for awhile. 

It had been several days since Sylvia had even bothered getting dressed. She fucked Miles every minute that he could manage it. Others came and went throughout the week, sometimes women, sometimes men. After being faithfully married for two years Sylvia found herself unable to get enough. But it always came back down to just the two of them eventually, and that was feeling more right for her by the day. 

Miles kept saying that she needed to go back to Royce, and she had agreed with him at first. But as the days went by she began to think less and less of the idea.

Royce was a good man who treated her well, but something had changed for the worse in him these last few months that made his company intolerable. Sylvia didn't know what had happened to make him suddenly grow a spine, but that wasn't what she'd signed up for when she married him. 

She looked down at Miles as she bounced on his cock. He'd never been good at doing what he was told either, and they had fought constantly. But there was something about Miles that made fighting fun. And fun was what she wanted right now.

Sylvia made up her mind, she wasn't leaving. By the end of the night she'd have Miles begging for her and Casey to move back into this house. If she played her cards right, she could even make him think it was his idea. Miles Holland couldn't be bullied, but this simple farm boy could certainly be manipulated.  


To be continued!



Bob Fink

This could get very interesting real fast ;-) Just what evil tricks does she have in mind.....


Damm that's a great shot (both the cumshot and the ass shot XD) there, LOVE IT!! Glad to see she's back to her wicked ways. Looking forward to more Sylvia :D


Wow, very nice! A few notes: 1) VERY good cumshot- one of your best. The extra effort in coloring it and making it "glisten" like that is borderline "calm" level, yet still fits with your style. 2) Big, meaty ass on Sylvia. LOVE that- one of the things that was missing from your style/comic beforehand was this much ass-focus :). 3) The eyeshadow looks pretty decent. Since that's usually a turn-off of mine, I felt like noting I like it more here than say, when it's blue or really bright or something! 4) LOL at the dialogue. "Sylvia didn't know what had happened to make him suddenly grow a spine, but that wasn't what she'd signed up for when she married him."- that's a combination of both hot and making her sound like a TERRIBLE person! You're getting very good at summing up people's most horrible points very succinctly, like with the Nikki story last time and "Smart girls weren't his type" :).


That "smart girls weren't his type" line really upset you huh lol?

Lord Washington

I kinda want this to be a comic now.


If only there were more hours in the day. But expect to see more of Sylvia in TRW. :)