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Finally got Bria ready for prints and mouse pads! I've reworked her slightly for TRW, her and Casey's breasts ended up a little too big in the final chapter of Switch so I shrank them back down just a bit. Also gave her bigger hair, might be just me but I love how it looks. As always I'd be glad to hear your feedback. 




Looks cool, bria is an awesome character. Toning down the boob size is good, too big sometimes can make it more comical then sexy. Also im a fan of your old style of sketches, i know you felt it was too cartoony and aimed for more realism. But would love to see bria in the old sketch style if possible :)


Well my style is always evolving, I may reintroduce old elements here and there. :)

Bob Fink

Bria is always a favorite and I really like what you’ve done, she’s even hotter if that’s possible. ;-)


Big hair for the win!

Stush Cinta

She looks amazing <3

Walter L.

I think I like it more like this. Bria is one of my favourite girls.


Cool! Redesigns can be a risky thing so it's nice when they go over well. :)


This is basically the perfect version of Bria- gorgeous, big hair, and huge (but not INSANELY huge) breasts. I still say you could've shrank their boobs down partway through and we wouldn't have noticed that much- then you wouldn't have gotten so many "wow, their boobs look really huge all of a sudden" comments, lol. I'm interested to see what becomes of Bria in the new comic, now that her character arc is finished, and she's in that "Casey Zone" where she's just banging everyone :).


What ever happened to the elemental themed thing you were doing? I don't think you ever did Sylvia

Squid Hills

I definitely dig the new hair. Bigger is better, in this case.


Well as I've said before, it took the wind out of my sails when it became clear that the print shop I had my eye on wouldn't accept a porn fiend like me once they took one look at my portfolio. Now I found another place to set up shop, so it's just a matter of when I can squeeze in extra work on it.