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Check out this video to hear about my plans for the near future and when to expect my next comic: This Romantic World! 


What's Next.mp4



The Matrix 3 started almost immediately after the Matrix 2.


Looking forward to This Romantic World (TRW is what we're all gonna call it :)). It'll be interesting to see, given the name- Switch was a lot of things, but wasn't really romantic... well, until Casey/Royce and Casey/Bria at the end. Especially since all the characters are going to be doing a hell of lot of boning, probably with multiple partners :).


There is no need for that. I was going to see myself out after that one. :p

alex baker

i hope we get to see fiona's reaction to what switch really looks like.

Bob Fink

Sounds like we're going to see a very awesome comic coming up. Enjoy your break, you deserve it!


Just a suggestion here, I'd love to see some character bios of the main people in the story if you had the time to make those. Not necessarily with fresh art for them, just to get a feel. It would be really helpful for new readers especially who might be joining in only after TRW starts.


Well for what it's worth I do have bios written up for most of my new characters. But as I specialize in a visual medium, I'm naturally more of a show, don't tell, kind of writer. I'll do my best to make the new girls' personalities clear by their actions and words early on. Besides, the profiles I have are full of spoilers. :P


Hm, that's a good idea. "Switch" can get away with it because it had a pretty small cast, but larger-cast webcomics usually have a central "Bios" page. The info can be kept pretty short, too, to avoid spoilers :). I notice that some webcomics can have issues when a character returns and fans who've missed stuff or have forgotten things are like "wait, who's that?". Probably easier with a centralized webpage, though. As the comics are on HF, and HF doesn't have a very good search/date function, that can be tricky.