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Okay, I'll be Obtuse Man: I've been reading since roughly Page 1, but I still don't know what the nature of Switch is. Obviously she's not just a hallucination of Casey's, but that's about all I can be confident in. In the last chapter she's seen as a benevolent friend to Casey, but in the earlier chapters she seems like an unwilling antagonist (someone stuck in Casey's head who has go to along for the ride since they ride a lot.) I also don't know if Casey's mental instability is her own thing, or something that Switch induces/induced.


Well you're not obtuse. It's not all 100% spelled out here, that wasn't my intent. I wanted Switch herself to stay mysterious for now, as this universe is only just getting going. The one thing I wanted to make clear on this last page was that Switch was definitely not a hallucination of Casey's and that she wasn't crazy. As for the idea of Switch being the cause of Casey's problems I'll admit that's not something I was trying to convey. I'd hoped that by now it would be clear that Switch is benevolent in nature.


To me their early back-and-forths made it seem like Switch was frustrated because she had no choice but to help (like she was bound to Casey and couldn't leave if she desired), rather than being frustrated because she wants to help but Casey isn't taking.


Also, is there a male version of Switch (or just any other of whatever Switch is)? Call him "Whip" or something. ;)


Switch's intentions were fairly clear to me. Even in the early days all she did was try to be Casey's voice of reason


I could be viewing this under my original assumption that Casey's problems only began /after/ Switch hooked up with her. With the knowledge that it's the other way around and Switch isn't a manifestation of Casey's, the early interactions do paint Switch as trying (and wanting) to help.

alex baker

i like where this is going! also fiona is so cute.


Hmmmm... What I think Reinbach is trying to say is mental illness is an infectious disease and the best course of action is to just pretend it doesn't exist like the Chinese.

Lord Washington

Switch seems to be something of a benevolent lovecraftian entity. One who exists both physically as well as in the minds of troubled young ladies. Or maybe that’s just the lovecraft fan in me talking XD


As for if there are others like Switch, that sounds like something to get into in the sequel. :)


Haha, I knew it! I KNEW you'd have her fly into someone new at the very end :). So this means that Switch is "real" in some way. PS not sure whether to stick my review here or on the previous one, but I went with that one so as not to bury all the comments with my pre-made essay (yes I made it a week ago to post when you were done, don't judge me :)).

Squid Hills

Sooooo.... she's a sexy Drop Dead Fred?


Lol I never did see that movie. Did he turn out to be real in the end?


I loved the comic, but I have to admit I’m a little disappointed that we went 168 pages and the only thing we learned about the title character is that she’s not just a hallucination. We also never got an explanation of what Casey meant back on pgs 40 and 41 when she talked about going back to Quiet. Speaking of Casey, I’m looking forward to seeing where her story goes from here. I feel like she still has a lot of unresolved issues with her dad. I hope we get some scenes between them in the next comic. Also what’s the status of Casey and Royce’s relationship? Are they an actual couple or just fuck buddies?

Squid Hills

It was heavily implied at the end, and it was also implied Fred was trying to help the main character through a terrible childhood (he just sucked at it and created chaos instead). Since you've portrayed Switch as an ultimately benevolent, but outwardly unsettling, character I kind of made a connection between the two. Switch is way hotter than Rik Mayall, though.


Casey and Royce will be back in TRW so you won't catch me blowing anything here I'm afraid.

Bob Fink

Awesome ending!


Yeah, I find her cute, too! Is she gonna show up in the new comic? She's one that I don't recall seeing until just now- was she hidden during all of your planning?


I had a similar reaction to "Back to Quiet" in my HF re-reads of the comic, and Reinbach pointed out to me that he meant it was the time Switch left Casey (right before this last chapter). I missed it, since nobody referred to it as "back to quiet" at that moment, but that was it. I was all "boy, I can't wait to see what Back To Quiet means!" and he's all "I must admit I'm confused as to why you're still waiting" and mentioned it. Thank goodness it wasn't just me :).


Well now that it's over I can speak more candidly about what I initially planned. "the quiet" was going to be a much bigger deal. With Switch not there to guide her I'd planned on Casey sinking down into prostitution before she righted herself. But, like many of my early drafts of the story, I deemed what i had written too fucked up by the end. I'm being as careful as I can not to repeat those mistakes in TRW.


I'm not going to lie, I literally made up Fiona this last Monday. I just needed someone for the scene to show Switch was real. But that said, I've since come up with a role for her in TRW, so we'll see her again for sure. :)


Shit I didn't want this to end :'( it's been two years of amazingness and now it's over. Worth every minute :)


Hey thanks Doc! Hope the new comic is just as good for you. :)


Man, that's fascinating stuff. I'd love for a full "behind-the-scenes" thing here or on HF at some point. All of the "things that never happened". The Reintalks are good for some of that (seeing the early drafts of some of the TRW characters is fun!), but I'd like to hear even more! It's one of my favorite parts of being a fan of something. I recall you mentioning "Casey losing control" more as a result of Back To Quiet, but PROSTITUTION 0_0. Holy cow! That and the "antidepressants" bit from the beginning are a reminder of how much darker this was supposed to be. I bet I'd still be reading, of course... I'd just feel guilty between all the faps :).

Lord Washington

Is Fiona gonna show up again at all?


That wasn't the plan initially I'll admit. I just needed her for this scene. But I've since come up with a place for her in TRW. :)


One hell of a ride I didn't want to see end but I know it must. Here's to the future buddy. I know the next comic is going to fantastic :D