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Since its debut at Hentai Foundry on February 14, 2015, Switch has been a comic that was sustained by the support of its readers. (Especially if you're reading this here at Patreon.) I can't thank you all enough for your comments, critiques, and interest in my work. I've started dozens of comics in my time, but Switch is the first one I've ever finished. And that's because you kept the fire going, and I'll always be grateful for that.  




*slow clap* Bra-VO, Reinbach. Brah-VO. I never would've thought I'd read a porno comic where I would have kept reading even if there WEREN'T bare titties in it, but there we go. My Favorite Stuff in "Switch": * Casey's story arc was fucking fantastic. Going from a crazy, selfish, "get what you want, no matter who it hurts" thing into a somewhat empathetic woman who was ENDEARINGLY crazy instead of wrist-cuttingly so was a great thing to read, made all the better by a long re-read, seeing her establishing character moment in the shower talking to Switch. * Casey in "Crazy Mode", particularly with Fontaine or that "let me fuck you in my mother's bed" line. OOGH. * Bria's whole "good girl doing a bad thing" routine. * Bria in general. I mean, she was just "black Casey with different hair" in your art style (deliberately so), but for some reason looked MUCH hotter. Very rare to see a black girl so prominent in a work like this. * The situations Royce got into were hilarious. I liked how he felt real guilt at stuff, but wouldn't allow himself to be a complete pushover- it made him likeable (as you've noticed, an issue with males in porn comics), but also human. He actually had characteristics & stuff. * All the cumshots. They got more and more exaggerated over time, and I'm not sure I'll ever find it to be "too much" :). * Casey & Mr. Fontaine's relationship. It was hilarious to see her pushed around the way she'd pushed around others. His character is actually really funny- this cocky, egotistical douchelord... it's just too bad this is a porno comic, so us guys resent this dick getting hot girls :). * The differing body types, which got more notable as time went on. Probably my favorite part of the next comic, too. * Sylvia's relative lack of introspection or characterization. This sounds non-complimentary, but is actually a good thing- her being more "real" would have actually made Royce & Casey's relationship come off more "rotten" than "SO WRONG" in a sexy, hot way. Also, the fact that SHE fucked Casey, TOO, made it mean less that Royce was doing it :). If we'd sympathized with Sylvia too much, we'd have hated Royce & Casey. * Switch's reveal, and her GIGANTIC PURPLE HOOTERS. My Only Nitpicks: (note- these all essentially have the same root cause; this being a PORN COMIC, not a COMIC WITH PORN- the story thus has to serve the porn, and vice-versa, so I understand why these things had to go down this way) * Bria's character arc kind of let me down in the end. I was SO into the "Good Girl Gone Bad" thing, and her subsequent guilt over being so horrible to Warren made her come off as empathetic and "real" even though she'd done an unforgiveable thing. Her going off the deep end and getting crazy-obsessive and hateful was a great arc... but then once she's cured of it, she just started bed-hopping again. It really took me out of the story and went "OH. This is a porn comic. Right. Everyone's still gotta sleep around." I think it's a negative, but... I can completely get why it went down that way. * A bit too many important moments happened "off-panel". Again, I get why, but important characters like Warren, Abbey and Jonah get all of two pages each in the comic; we never see Sylvia & Royce's split (or even much evidence of their disagreements); and then a Time Skip jumped over a few things to get the story moving along more quickly. Just pacing stuff, I guess. I wouldn't mind less nudity in the next comic if it meant more of this happened where we could see it... though I'm still hoping for tons of nudity :). Doing a long re-read of the comic only makes it clear how good this all really was. Thank you so much, and I hope the next comic will be as good.


Hey thanks for the thoughtful feedback. It's appreciated and I hope to make things go smoother in a narrative sense with TRW


So this scene was supposed to be her first real date with Jason and he stood her up, right? I can’t believe he was lying about leaving his wife, I’m shocked lol. The people who don’t see the exclusive pic and story might be a little confused with the epilogue.


I was concerned about that, but I think it's clear enough to those who don't know the backstory that she's been stood up and is quite upset. And that's really all the necessary information here I think.

Bob Fink

Great page, you do a great job of throwing curves our way. In that light, has Switch just found her next victim er subject?


No problem! For what it's worth, I always found the narrative easy to follow, and characters were always clear with the exposition, so I never found things confusing. It's just something I noticed on a rapid-fire re-read ("hey, things sure do happen off-panel a lot").


Why didn't Switch fuck Casey? Why didn't the character the story is named after ever get any action?


Well every day I wake up and try to think of new ways to disappoint Mystery Street, and keeping the two of them apart seems to have done its job in that respect.


LOL- it must be part of your nefarious plan to cocktease everyone with Switch's beauty, so that they'd HAVE to commission you to get Switch lewds!! You machiavellian bastard!! PS I get the replies to all of this in my email. Patreon is weird- once a reply chain hits a certain level, if all comes to the "original poster".