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This month's sketch for Kaldonis (is it obvious by now I was trying to knock all the sketches out this weekend?) features the pirate Red Monica from the classic yet short-lived comic, Battle Chasers. I followed the comic at the time and was absolutely blown away. The artwork was amazing, and the fantasy setting and characters really set it apart from the other superhero-driven comics out there. 

So you can imagine my dismay when the seemingly incredibly popular comic started releasing new issues less and less until it simply disappeared. Word was that the creator, Joe Madureira, simply lost interest and ditched comics for a career in game design. Naturally I was crestfallen, and swore revenge. 

But Battle Chasers fans were recently thrown a bone in the form of a video game called Battle Chasers: Nightwar. Mr. Madureira is involved, and I hear it upholds the legacy of the comic well.  Of course, if the game truly wanted to follow in the footsteps of the comic, it would let you play it just long enough to get invested and then simply stop working and crash your PC. And you'd later find out that Madureira quit before it was finished so he could learn to play the drums or some shit. THAT would be quite familiar. 



Bob Fink

Very well done and she wears his cum well :D


Lotta POV/close-ups lately- I can dig it. It's something I SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK at, so I'm impressed when others can do it so well- it's deceptively hard. I remember Joe Mad's INSANELY popular run on the X-Men (well, popular by late '90s standards, so sales were in the toilet still- by this point, I was just "Byrne Stealing" comics by reading them on the rack), and was annoyed when he bailed to write his own pet project, so I snickered a bit when Battle Chasers went on its never-ending hiatus. But it was REALLY disrespectful to his audience to basically fart around, work less and less, and then quietly cancel the book YEARS later, never giving anyone any closure. I don't even know what his later projects WERE. But man, it was telling that it was a good career move to abandon a steady gig in comics for "design stuff for video games", especially back before the PS2 era.


For sure, the only high profile games he ever went on to work on that I know was the Darksiders series. Which almost always ends up on some "underrated hidden gems" list but if you ask me the games aren't that great, they're merely decent abut not remarkable enough to sell well. So "hidden gem!"


Yeah, it makes me wonder about what other comics pros make. Though from what I understand, they can make a lot more doing commissions and selling original page art. Most of the guys at Comic Expos around here (Bob Layton, Dale Eaglesham, etc.) were doing that. Though once Marvel started paying guys "Creator Fees" for popular characters, they got more money coming in. By the '90s... you were kind of hooped, as most new characters from then didn't stand the test of time (though Nicieza & Liefeld are doing backflips over Deadpool).


Thanks rein. She looks great :D. So much easier to get what she wants than holding a knife to someone's throat lol. Though to rub salt in all the fans wounds. They did a Kickstarter and if u gave enough you got either a digital download or physical copy of the finished part 10 comic....sadly I was too late and so still only have 3 black and white pages of the unfinished work.. dam him!


As far as I could tell issue 10 would be the end. But if i can track an online copy down I'll let you know. My guess is tho he'll leave it open enough to be able to continue it if needed