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This is Fuu from a series called Samurai Champloo, probably one of my favorite anime of all time. It was made by the creators of an equally great show with an equally ridiculous name called Cowboy Bebop, in fact I'd call Samurai Champloo a spiritual successor to Bebop in a lot of ways. They were both about flipping established genres on their heads for example. Whereas Bebop cleverly merged spaghetti western themes with a sci-fi setting, Champloo combined hip hop culture and modern slang with a feudal Japan setting. Both were original ideas that I've never seen anything quite like before or since. 




Ah, Samurai Champloo. That anime is a fucking roller coaster ride.

Bob Fink

She’s very beautiful and the timid look on her face is priceless!


Submissive expectation, perfect! 😉


Love cowboy Belon


Very cute pic! She has this "does this PLEASE you, darling?" look on her face and UGH so good! I dig how her eyes are much larger than your typical character, making her more anime-ish and innocent-looking. I've never seen Champloo, myself- I got out of anime (I got too tired of the tropes and styles) right as it came out, and hip-hop wasn't my bag. I've watched a few animes since then, but not a full series. But this girl's a cutie!


I considered trying to make her eyes look more Asian, as she's quite Japanese obviously. But whenever I do that with anime characters they end up looking nothing like their original counterparts. As practically zero anime characters actually have Asian features. So I went for cute! :)


I really liked samurai champloo but my fav is cowboy bebop. The story of CB is so awesome, the story, the characters AND the music is fantastic. Every episode gives a lot of feels and the end...Oh my god the end is so awesome I still ear in my head the last music..


Yup- they aped and modified the Disney Style so much back in the day that their most Asian characters almost NEVER look Asian. I still remember Sailor Mars back in the day being the only "Sailor Moon" character who looked somewhat Asian, because her huge eyes had a teeny-tiny slant at the top, making them slightly more angular.


Only show i ever saw that kept it even kind of authentic in character appearance was Azumanga Daioh. They were still cute and stylized, but everyone had brown eyes and dark hair at least.


Agreed! Of the two of them I would say Bebop is slightly better, as I think it's more appropriately paced. In Champloo I remember thinking the final battles kind of came out of nowhere, but Bebop had the proper build up.


Yeah, I think there's a handful that keep it "legit", but they're almost never famous or popular in the West. We just get the "wild hair and huge eyes" stuff :).