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This month's sketch for KainRezo072 is Raven from a comic series called Teen Titans. She's probably better known for the cartoon of the same name, but I never saw that one myself, not much of it anyway. 

The only time I've ever seen Raven in the comics came from a graphic novel collection I have of all the DC/Marvel crossover stories they did decades ago. Can you believe that was actually a thing? Hard to imagine such a collaboration now. It was a cool concept, the Superman vs. Spiderman fight was especially fun. But the one I'm thinking of was Teen Titans teaming up with the X-Men. 

The scene was both teams suspiciously eyeing each other across a field, and when Raven notices Wolverine we see this thought bubble where she's like "I have seen his heart and it is black! Darkness surrounds this soulless killing machine and we should all fear for our lives!" And then it goes to Wolverine and his thoughts were something like "What's that creepy kid's problem?" 




The Titans & X-Men comics were SO good at that point in time- they were neck & neck for "top-selling comic" for that period of the 1980s before the Titans flagged and the X-Men lapped them (and THEN some!). The Wolfman/Perez Titans was an amazing book (Perez is pretty much a God of comic book artists for a reason), but couldn't keep up the quality. But Raven was a kick-ass "Born Evil; Wants To Be Good" character. Sadly, she really only has that one story to tell, so given the infinite nature of comic books, we get to see her struggle with her dark side. Again. And again. And again. And again. Christ, I think I've read her ORIGIN story three times, and it's never changed in any of them! Cute drawing, though. Funny to see a Reinbach Girl covering up so much! This seems more taken from the modern cartoon version of Raven.


I figured that was her most well-known look. And yeah the repetitive nature of ongoing comics is why I have a hard time following them. How many times are Spiderman and Mary Jane gonna break up and make up for chrissakes?

Bob Fink

Very beautiful render!


Y'know, in the show, Starfinder was the more conventionally cute and peppy one in a miniskirt... But good lord was Raven my crush on that show


Haha, if Switch was a Marvel or DC comic, you'd have left by now, and the NEXT writer would do "Casey learns empathy" and "Bria goes slutty and feels guilty, before seeing the light, and then stays slutty but in a nicer way this time" arcs all over again. Then five years later, we get ANOTHER arc where Casey learns empathy and Bria goes bad. Then 20 years later you take over "Switch" again and reset the characters back to the way they were when YOU were writing the strip! Yeah, you read comics long enough, you get the same stories once in a while :).


Very great looking Raven sketch. She was always my favorite Teen Titan when I watched the show years ago. I only know a bit about her, from the show, a few games, and animated movies. Nice pose choice, like that slight tease of her covering her breast like that with her hand.