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This month's sketch for Mystery Street features Pyra from a game called Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I haven't made it very far into the game myself, like most JRPGs it's a massive time sink to play and I've been awfully busy with work lately.  It's strange but the thing I liked most about the game so far was the soundtrack. I'd expect no less from Yasunori Muthafuckin' Mitsuda, (that is indeed his full name) as he made the music for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, two of the best video game OSTs you'll ever hear. :)   




Hmm not feelin' it. Can you say it 500 more times please? That feels right somehow.


At first I was unsure if there was a typo and you actually posted Pyrrha, from RWBY. But hell, she's pretty hot too.

Bob Fink

She’s pretty hot, but she looks a little apprehensive about sucking him off.


For some reason, the shot of her mouth RIGHT on the tip of that cock is outstandingly more sexy than if he'd been filling her mouth full of sperm or covering her in it. Also, those boobs look especially good in profile like that. I think that might actually be a rare shot for you- not quite 3/4, not quite profile.


It's because I love the full on 3/4 too much probably, it's the most flattering angle to be sure.


THAT's where that spelling came from! I had to google this character twice because I could have sworn there was an "h" in the spelling of her name.


Yeah it's one of those games where your party never shuts up and they end up repeating the same one-liners infinitely. It gets old fast.


People misspelling Pyrrha's name is so common, the RWBY reddit has a bot that, amongst other functions, corrects popular misspellings. "Phyrra? Did you mean Pyrrha?"


I've been seeing quite a bit of this character recently. Haven't played the game but, have watched some gameplay and it seems like a lot of fun. Voices sound a bit odd though at times. Very nice work, like the side view so we get to see her breasts as she sucks the guy off.


She's pretty over the top in design lol. Just when you think the "busty magical girl" thing has been done to death they never fail to bring it back. :)


It's easier to remember if you know your Greek/military history, because of the famous "Pyrrhic Victory".


That's true- it usually looks the best. Straight-on angles can be weird (and REALLY tough to make symmetrical) and lose some "character" (especially in more cartoony styles). Side Profiles are good, but big-breasted characters can look REALLY weird when you see just how huge their breasts are from the sides (I've done the "character profile" shots before, and am always like "holy shit, that's what they look like from the side? Well, I MEASURED them, so I guess so...").