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As for story stuff, I decided it's best to just keep my mouth shut here for now. The comic has three pages left and I don't want to blow anything I haven't already. 

But I can talk about more technical aspects just fine. For example considering how much bigger Switch's head is than Casey's it was quite a challenge not to have it look like Switch was devouring Casey's whole face during their kiss goodbye. Still not sure if I pulled it off. 

Also Switch disappearing into scribbles is a nod to her first "appearance" on page 41. Initially I'd planned for her to be composed of all scribbles for the whole comic. But when the time came to show her for real on page 79 I felt like the scribbled look just came off as lazy on my part so I gave her  proper definition. 




So we are getting some answers in these final three pages, right?


Don't even know how to answer that one I'm afraid, like I said above I think it's best I respectfully keep my trap shut about that stuff for three more pages.

Bob Fink

I like it, this is a very touching moment and I think Bria has come along at just the right time as I feel Casey is going to need a shoulder to lean on.

ScuzzBucket (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 12:20:34 OMG TEH KISSES!!!! No wonder so many have been getting Switch-themed commissions from you lately. Purple Giantesses are hot. It's funny regarding Switch, though- in all the time I've been reading the comic (2+ years now), I don't think I've given hardly any thought at all as to what Switch WAS, even though she's so important to the narrative (I mean, the story is CALLED "Switch"). It just never came up in the narrative, so I just kind of accepted what it was (a disembodied voice that spoke to Casey and tried to advise her) and never thought to much about it. So any revelations will be interesting to read about, and I'm definitely curious, but I don't think I'd even mind if you never explained it. It could be like the "is Hobbes real?" question in "Calvin & Hobbes" or something :).
2018-01-12 07:11:40 OMG TEH KISSES!!!! No wonder so many have been getting Switch-themed commissions from you lately. Purple Giantesses are hot. It's funny regarding Switch, though- in all the time I've been reading the comic (2+ years now), I don't think I've given hardly any thought at all as to what Switch WAS, even though she's so important to the narrative (I mean, the story is CALLED "Switch"). It just never came up in the narrative, so I just kind of accepted what it was (a disembodied voice that spoke to Casey and tried to advise her) and never thought to much about it. So any revelations will be interesting to read about, and I'm definitely curious, but I don't think I'd even mind if you never explained it. It could be like the "is Hobbes real?" question in "Calvin & Hobbes" or something :).

OMG TEH KISSES!!!! No wonder so many have been getting Switch-themed commissions from you lately. Purple Giantesses are hot. It's funny regarding Switch, though- in all the time I've been reading the comic (2+ years now), I don't think I've given hardly any thought at all as to what Switch WAS, even though she's so important to the narrative (I mean, the story is CALLED "Switch"). It just never came up in the narrative, so I just kind of accepted what it was (a disembodied voice that spoke to Casey and tried to advise her) and never thought to much about it. So any revelations will be interesting to read about, and I'm definitely curious, but I don't think I'd even mind if you never explained it. It could be like the "is Hobbes real?" question in "Calvin & Hobbes" or something :).


You might be one of the only people who hasn’t been wondering what Switch was. People have been asking about her since she first spoke to Casey. I want some answers, but with only 3 pages remaining I don’t know if we’ll get them.


Oh I've WONDERED about it- I just haven't put too much focus or thought into it (I just kind of went "Oh, it's a voice only Casey can hear, that gives her advice and argues with her"). I'm sure there were hints that I've missed, but a lot has changed about the character- in one old strip, Reinbach indicates that he considered Switch a MALE :). Given how many have asked, though, I doubt Reinbach would let us down! People would be so pissed :)!


Hope you guys like what I have planned! Won't be waiting long to find out either way.


Thanks! I thought it fitting that she show up right after Switch foretold that Casey wouldn't be alone. :)

Squid Hills

Ouch! Right in the feels!


Hey sorry I missed this comment completely at the time. Here's what I would have said: Glad the comic brings the feels!