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So naturally, even though Sylvia kicked Royce out of the house against his will, Casey is still pissed at him for "abandoning" her and they've got some issues to work out. Royce sure is a magnet for unfair and unreasonable women it seems.

This page was a close one. It was just one panel away from being the first page in the entire comic not to feature a woman. But I've come this far and I don't want to break my streak now. 




Royce looks good with a five o'clock shadow. I hope he keeps that look! Also I know it's kind of her thing but damn Casey's got a great 'fury incarnate' face lol


Phew, close one. A page in this comic without some sweet Reinbach-tier tits? :P That would have been HELL


Hey thanks I actually like this look for Royce too. It's meant to show that he's kind of down and not taking care of himself here, but I think I accidentally made him look better lol.


If you couldn't fit Casey in, you could have had Royce watching porn on his computer. THAT would put some boobs in the scene :).


An angry Casey can never be good, especially for Royce. Though, she doesn't look too pissed off so, thankfully she hasn't found out about Synthiria just yet. Never realized that if Casey wasn't in the last panel, it would be the only page without a woman in it. side question, since E3 is over, were there any games that really caught your interest?

Bob Fink

Uh Oh, looks like Casey's a tab pissed off! So Royce is either in for some very hot sexy or pure hell :D


Ok I wouldn't normally rant like this here but you asked lol. I thought this was one of the least exciting E3's in years. It felt like 90% of what was shown were just new trailers for games we already knew about, and the surprises were few and far between. The biggest announcement for me personally, a new console Metroid game, was announced with nothing but a picture of the title for crying out loud. But I don't mean to piss in the coffee too much here. The new Spider Man game looks awesome, but I think I'm the most excited for the new Mario, as unlike most games shown it should actually be out this year. How about you?