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Couldn't resist the urge to draw another Persona 5 character this week, there were a lot of great characters to pick from but I went with Dr. Takemi here. Anyhow I figure I may as well go all out and make it a month-long marathon. Though in the next two weeks I'll pick girls from earlier games in the series. 

In most role playing games you'll always find a shop of some kind in which to purchase healing items for your journey. Usually potions or magical healing scrolls, that kind of thing. But how do you address this concept in a game that takes place in a realistic modern setting? By having your healing vendor be a disgraced back-alley doctor who sells experimental stimulants to teens under the table of course! Persona 5 certainly sticks to its "adults are evil" theme, as even the friendly ones who help you are at least a little crooked. (See last week where I mentioned how your high school teacher is a romance option.) Still, it makes for some very fun and memorable characters to be sure.  



Bob Fink

Totally awesome, she's so hot and looks even hotter painted in cum :D


This world is a brighter place with Punk Rock Goth Doctor Death.


Thanks! Went for a more realistic approach to it here to try it out. Not quite the sheer volume you'd find in Switch lol.


Looks like she's giving a group discount on stress relief techniques today :p Great picture. Might have to pick this game up at some point:D


Tasty :) P.S have you ever done any girls from overwatch before?


I have! I did one of Tracer last year here at the site. I tried to dig it out for you but my browser randomly crashed before I could find it. It's there if you scroll down far enough though.


I'm guessing there won't be any polls this month?


There were certainly a few more Milf options in Persona 5 compared to the last two Persona games where you only had one. Sweet work on Dr.Takemi and with the jizz on her face, running down her body. Can't wait to see which persona girl you'll pick next. :) Maybe the tomboy Naoto in a swimsuit since, we never see her in one in the game or anime. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_pygW92wkY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_pygW92wkY</a>