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This commission takes place just before the final chapter of Switch. :)

Royce had been through a rough couple of months when he walked into Dangler's Bar on Friday night. He'd separated from his wife, losing both her and his teenage mistress in one fell swoop since being kicked out of his house. And on top of that he was running out of money fast. If he didn't get any bites on his manuscript soon he was in real trouble. But limited as his remaining funds may be, tonight he felt a few hours of drunken escapism was worth the resources. 

He parked himself at a stool and the bartender came up to greet him. He did a double-take at her bright pink Mohawk, but recovered quick enough. She was very beautiful and introduced herself as Synthiria. For a minute Royce was concerned that he'd accidentally wandered into a venue where he was simply too old for the crowd. But when his scotch arrived he decided he didn't really care either way. 

The place was fairly sparse for a Friday, and the pretty bartender showed him some attention when she had the time. He was guarded at first, not wanting to bore her with his sad story.

That didn't last. Two glasses later Synthiria knew all about Sylvia, the separation, and his sci-fi novel about an evil space queen who only wants what she can't have. Royce found himself elated just to talk with a woman who seemed to be really listening for once. 

The night wore on in the vacant bar, and closing time drew near. Instead of kicking him out, Synthiria pulled up a stool and sat with him. About this time Royce could have sworn she was flirting with him, but didn't want to jump to conclusions. He was damn near old enough to be her father, best not to presume anything.

He didn't have to presume much at all when she leaned in and kissed him, and any further doubts faded when she reached down and started stroking his cock. At this point his instincts took over. He stripped off her clothes and bent her over the bar. Fucking her was downright heavenly. Royce didn't realize how much he'd missed having sex until this moment. 

Royce warned her that he was about to come, and she told him to do it inside her. In fact, she begged him to. When he came the excess splashed out of her soaking pussy and all over the floor. Still a bit dazed, Royce started looking around for something to clean it up with. Synthiria stopped him with another kiss and told him not to worry about it. She said she'd call him a cab and clean up the mess herself. Royce felt like this was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him in his life.  

They exchanged numbers and said goodnight. Royce stepped outside and took a deep breath of the night air, and for the first time in awhile he felt like things might actually be alright. 




Good for you Royce :D awesome pic. About time he caught a break.


If only nights ended this well in real life


Well Synthiria certainly looks bustier than I'm accustomed too! I can't say I don't like the change though, big squishy breasts are inarguably your forte Reinbach.


Holy shit that's some good pumping. Synthiria's monster tits look good, and Royce naturally makes an enormous mess. What does that dude EAT?


I'll admit this is pretty damn lucky by real life standards lol.

Bob Fink

It's great to see Royce getting back into the game and satisfying his sexual appetite as it were :D


He's certainly been out of it for awhile. For a guy like him going two months without getting laid is like a hundred years lol.


I love how she's biting her lip. Such a small detail but really enhances how much she looks like she's enjoying it.


This came out beautifully. Thanks for letting Synthiria be a part of the Switch-verse. ^^

Dean Sturtevant

Love the lip biting, her huge tits, and that pussy getting creamed with his huge load. ;-) you're awesome