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You think I made this extra page during my vacation right? Wrong! I actually worked double-time to make two pages in one week. I'll be honest I have a lot of story to get through in the finale, far more than a porn comic should rightly have, and I want to keep things moving at a brisk pace when my workload allows. This isn't the new normal but when I have two talking head pages in a row like this I'll try to swing it. 

So as for this page I could use some feedback because I tried some things with the writing I'm not experienced with. I've heard that when writing a movie script, you don't want to spell out everything in the plot, as it's far more entertaining to give the audience a chance to put the pieces together themselves. Now, I'm not going to give you the chance if you're reading this in this case because I want feedback to know if what I was going for worked here. But based on what I hear back from you I'm sure I'll learn enough so that I don't have to ask next time.

So case in point: we've had a time skip between chapters, presenting a great chance to let readers piece together what happened in the missing time through conversation with the characters. So here, it's shown that Royce knows all about Switch, even though I never had a scene of Casey telling him.

To me, it seems natural enough to deduce that she told him during the missing time between chapters. She's already alluded to having an imaginary friend to him, as well as spelled out that she can tell him things she can't tell anyone else. Also last we left them it was clear that (whether she wanted to admit it or not) the two of them were becoming closer, so to me it makes sense that she would eventually have no secrets from him and a full scene of her explaining Switch to Royce wasn't necessary to show.

But the question is, am I right? Or am I going to see a dozen comments from readers wondering if pages are missing on the sites where I'm not the poster and this little blog space doesn't exist? Either way I'm sure this will make me a better writer and thanks for following along this far! :D




This was a nice surprise. I didn't have any trouble figuring out that she told him during the time skip. It does seem like too much stuff went down during this time skip though.


I'll admit a good deal of what I had written ended up being cut to keep the action from grinding to a halt. One thing I've learned from writing Switch is the reason that in most porn stories, the premise is rarely more complex than "hunky delivery guy" or "busty teen has no rent money." It's because the more story you have, the more exposition you need. And that's not what porn readers are here for. I'll try to balance things a little better in the future.

Walter L.

You sure can piece it together, but that doesn't mean you won't get the comments about missing pages. Some people simply don't read carefully enough or just really want everything spelled out. I wouldn't mind you working like this though. There's such a thing as too much exposition, it can ruin the story flow.


Royce looks like he should be in "final fight". I'd totally love to see him pile drive casey, if you know what I mean :)


I agree! Especially in a comic that only updates once a week. Like most things I'll use this type of thing judiciously, but it would be a nice writing trick to master.


I was able to quickly piece together that he might have been told off-screen, but it was still a shocker to me to realize "Wait, Royce knows about Switch? Okay then..."


... Actually, have you ever clarified whether Switch was some kind of spirit, or whether she was 100% in Casey's head? If not, do you plan on keeping it ambiguous?


If we're in a new chapter, then no, you don't need to explain. Time has passed, things have changed and the reader should be reading for new things. Royce's reaction to Casey talking about Switch should tell the reader all they need to know. Definitely avoid 'as you know, Royce' dialog or excessive exposition. This is fine.

Bob Fink

I didn't remember that Switch had left Casey, hmmm I have a feeling when she comes back Casey and Royce are going to have a very hot time :D


Thanks! Glad to hear this attempt at a new story telling mechanic went over well with you.


That's a good point thanks for bringing that up, I should have Royce ask her how long Switch has been gone. I meant for it to have only been a day or so but that isn't clear here.


Since there was a three month time-skip and given how their relationship was going before he was kicked out, it wasn't too surprising to find out Royce knew about Switch. It probably would have been a bit more surprising if I saw this page first before Bria/Mr.Fontaine and Sylvia gangbang fantasy. I'm pretty sure majority of your readers will put the pieces together given the dialogue and remembering this is a possibility with the 3 month time-skip. I'm just curious as to why Casey is blaming Abbey for the fight she had with Switch that caused her to disappear? Even though Casey's had a mean expression towards Royce, I wonder if she's actually happy she has him to go to for this. It's a bit odd she's going to him now after two months so, I'm wondering if she actually knows the general time of when Switch might be back or feel her return?


Well one thing I can answer without spoiling anything is that Casey blames Abbey because their feud was an ongoing source of contention between Casey and Switch. As with every fresh incident with Abbey, Casey and Switch would fight about how to handle it, with Switch arguing for diplomacy and Casey being in favor of face-punching.

Lord Washington

I'm wondering what this means about switch. Is she really just some scytsophrenic hallucination or is she a real, tangible creature? And if she is, does that mean Casey is the host to a demon? A demon that is surprisingly the angel on her shoulder a good portion of the time.


I kinda understood, but to be honest it seemed a bit abrupt. I get wanting to do the timeskip, but I think it would have been better with a few pages of, I dunno, montage before we got back to it? We don't need everything, but this new one does feel like there is if not a full issue, maybe a half issue missing. I think part of it may be that there is a bit TOO much of a change from the last issue. We also barely know the rules of how Switch works and now she's gone.


Hey I hear you and thanks for the feedback. My decision to cut so much was based on the idea that while the extra scenes would have helped the story be more cohesive, they weren't sexy in the least. Which is pretty much death for a porn comic. I'm going to hang on to the lessons I've learned here though. In the next comic I'll try to do a better job to make sure the eroticism is never at odds with the story.