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So I finally finished Persona 5, and despite a few complaints I loved it. Though I do think they need to shake up the formula a bit more if they make another one. For the uninitiated, the Persona games are a series of JRPGs that are typically half dungeon crawler and half slice-of-life social sim. The combo works better than you might think.

Anyhow this is Ann Takamaki from the latest game.  A surprisingly deep and likable character if you ask me, but not who I chose for my dude to hook up with. (I went for Miss Kawakami, the scandalous teacher.) But Ann is without a doubt presented as the sexiest character in the game so I thought she'd work best for the pin up. The game is loaded with stylish presentation and I tried to mimic some of that here with my background. I actually really like it so expect to see it popping up more in my work. 

I wouldn't mind drawing some more girls from the series this month. If you have an idea for one or two let me know and maybe I'll put up a poll. Anywhere else on the internet this concept would start a full-blown waifu war but I think we're safe here.  




Dude, this is awesome. I just defeated Madarame, but i decided to stop playing the game to finish the firts expansion of The Witcher III (Hearts of Stone). So far, Persona is really great, and i love the style and the music. I like how you kept that visual style in the background. As far as im concerned, Ann is such a great gal, but i'm willing to know the other female characters, though, i like the Tae Takemi. Hope you enjoy your vacations.

Bob Fink

She's very sexy, and your render spot on as usual including the her over flowing cum drenched pussy :D But who doesn't love a somewhat busty blonde getting hammered :D I'd like to see the teacher you chose :D


Never played Persona but this blonde is a cutie. Currently Reading Chuck Jones' autobiography. It's great and full of character stuff too.


Well, if you wanna draw more girls from the 5, you could go for Mokoto! Or, if you wanna go for girls from the other games, you could go for Mitsuru from Persona 3


Sweet work with the background, really adds the feel of the Persona 5 game. Ann is looking great in her bright red skin tight suit. Such a nice shocked expression from that overflowing creampie she just got, nice little detail adding in the stains on her suit around her pussy. Sadly I don't have a PS4 to play the game but, I have played Persona 3 Fes and Persona 4 for PS2. I prefer Miss Kawakami as well :3. Found it funny that the voice actress for Ms Kawakami did Yukari from Persona 3 who also wore a maid outfit for a bit. I think a slightly older version of Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3 would be great <a href="http://s1.dwstatic.com/group1/M00/76/9B/769b8a1de4f22aa0b95e254861bcebd94422.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s1.dwstatic.com/group1/M00/76/9B/769b8a1de4f22aa0b95e254861bcebd94422.jpg</a>


You do "surprised" extremely well. Very pretty girl


I'm sure you'll like the rest of the game when you get back to it. And I like the goth doctor too so I'll put her in the running! :)


I don't know she's not really pin up material lol. She's tall, flat, and kind of lanky. I just liked her attitude and as one might expect, student-teacher hook ups are a turn on for me. :)


Hey I love autobiographies. I think Steve Martin's is my favorite so far. I'll keep an eye out for Chuck Jones.


Sounds like we think alike! Those are two of my favorites from the entire series. Though I was never smart enough to date Mitsuru, and Makoto was in a game where dating your teacher was an option so she never stood a chance for me romantically lol. Definitely going for her if I play again.


I actually played Persona 4 for the first time recently. I wanted to beat it before I played 5. And I was amazed that pretty much every notable anime voice actor I could think of seemed to have a role in that game. They take their casting quite seriously it seems and I appreciate that. Anyhow that's two requests for Mitsuru now, noted! :)


Haha, I was all "why does she look so surprised? Doesn't she know what penises do during sex?" and then I looked down and was like "oh, well, that's like a firehose of semen- I'd be surprised, too." :) As someone who doesn't play video games anymore, or watch much anime, these characters are always lost on me, but still rather fun, as it's totally unknown stuff, and some of the designs are pretty cool. As my thing is usually comic books, I find those pics work best with as much of the costume as possible, as comic women are usually differentiated entirely by costume and hair, and hairstyles change with each new artist- someone doing Zatanna porn without her costume is basically doing "dark-haired chick" porn. Black Widow &amp; Mary Jane could be the same chick, as could Emma Frost &amp; The Invisible Woman. Anime &amp; video games are usually better with doling out "Iconic Haircuts" that stick around in every incarnation, which helps for stuff like this. Since I just wrote an essay about stuff only barely related to this drawing, I'll point out that the background stuff is pretty fun- more interesting than the usual "blank" backgrounds, without being overly distracting. Probably works best for the occasional pin-up instead of being a constant thing, but I like it here. Also, I'm digging the more "diverse" body types, like this girl having the "smaller &amp; perkier" breasts instead of huge ones- you've really stepped up your game from the days when most girls were just iterations of Casey. You do really good long hair, too.


Thanks! And yeah anime girls certainly do tend to be more distinct with their nonsensical multi-colored hairdos a lot of the time. As for my body types I'm looking forward to some of the new girls mixing things up. :)