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It's that time of year again! For those who don't know, every year for a week in June and a week in December, I take some time off from the comic to recharge my batteries. I'll still have commissions to post as well as a pin up on Monday, so it's business as usual really just without the comic page. Hope you guys understand and Switch will be back before you know it. :)



Bob Fink

Have a good vacation and watch out for Casey, looks like she swings a nasty bat :D

Lord Washington

she's wearing the outfit we first saw her in XD have fun dude


I'm glad I'm not the only one who like the really loud, crunchy chips.


Have fun, dude. I'll miss Switch, but I GUESS pin-ups of hot, sexy, naked chicks makes up for it... :).


I actually wanted her to be really good at sports initially. It just never came up in the story because she was too busy screwing everyone lol.


Thanks! I consider a jade shirt and shorts to be Casey's sort of default outfit. ;)


Enjoy the vacation! Looks like Casey plans to extend it by a few weeks. lol