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EDIT: Couldn't get Miles's left arm to look natural holding her so I just put it out of view. Handled!

This is it, we're finally coming up on the last few scenes of the story. Not to imply that the end is right around the corner just yet. As a weekly comic the final scenes will still take months to complete, but it's exciting for me all the same to be nearing the completion of something I've worked on for nearly three years now. My thanks goes out (especially to everyone here at Patreon) to everyone who has stuck with the comic now that we're coming up on the end. The climax starts in two weeks. :)




That last panel is gorgeous


BOOBIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Also, loving Sylvia's hair in that last panel. So many of your girls have short hair (the better to see their bodies with!), but there's just something about mountains of long, flowing tendrils of the stuff. I can't remember how many of the "Sequel Comic" girls have hair like that, but it's awesome and I'd love to see more of it. Oh yeah- the story! Nice stuff here. I kinda like how he suggests she goes back to Royce, even though he just dicked the shit out of her. I guess he's got the maturity and willpower to resist boobs like that and suggest she give them to someone else :).


Thanks! I wanted to close this scene out with a nice shot of Sylvia if I could. :)


I definitely want Miles to come off as level-headed and smart as best I can. And don't worry there will be plenty of long-haired girls with big tits in the new comic. :)

Bob Fink

Love the last panel it's not only a very hot picture of Sylvia but also a very nice tease as to what is about to happen next between the two :D


Enjoy your vacation, man. And boobs! Booooooobs!


The climax starts in two weeks? I think there have been quite a few already. :P


Has sylvia boobs always been that huge? Royce is gonna get squashed XD hope these too are gonna do it. Have fun on the vacation.


Hope it's not too much of a tease, because these two are done for now and we're back to Casey next! ;)


Thanks! And Sylvia's breasts can expand to fit the situation lol.