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Last month's sketch for Mystery Street. I know I was just going on about my "no celebrity likenesses" rule on my Harley Quinn pic last week, but I've decided there's no harm in posting this kind of thing exclusively here at Patreon. But if any of you guys personally know Scarlett Johansson, well, you know, don't tell her.  




Something tells me she wont' be too bothered by good art of her. I imagine she'd probably say 'Well at least it's not the Hulk's dick!" :P


heh- I like the diagonal cum-line. It gives a "static" pic some movement. Also, Scarlett is hot. And has an underrated butt, considering so much focus is on her boobs. It's also nice to see that Hollywood hasn't ENTIRELY forgotten that sexpots should preferably be BUSTY- I've seen way too many Gwyneth Paltrows being trotted out as super-hotties in movies. Granted, I would bang the shit out of Gwyneth and don't mind skinny girls in general, but a bombshell NEEDS curves, ya know? Nice pic. I find her "bored" expression funny. Like "oh, you came already? Oh well".


It'll make her films more watchable for once :)


Will this be taken further than just a sketch? It's fantastic. And a version where it is the Hulk's cock and you triple the cum would be good... 😬

Bob Fink

I love this, as you know Black Widow is my favorite Marvel character and you did an amazing job! Oh to see Scarlett like this :D


That would probably knock her over lol! I generally leave the monthly sketches as they are. Especially in that I kinda broke a rule of mine by drawing a celebrity here.


I agree about the discrimination against busty actresses. Though the reason is obvious; anyone who makes a movie wants ALL the money from everyone, and if it's one thing that women hate (and won't buy tickets to see) it's busty women.


I'll agree there's probably far more offensive depictions of her out there lol.