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Here we are Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and 100% HOOKED!!!! You folks were not kidding!!! What a movie this one was! And yes, you were right! This went DARK!!! Best movie yet out of the 5! We are very much looking forward to the next one in the HP series! Mason Quinn and The Answer are blown away and The Oak gets a little emotion during his review!

We did have a few technical difficulties.... we lost our intro. You will see The Answer Andrew, a few times get up and check the camera to make sure it's still recording. 

Again, thank you all for the support and patience! We really appreciate all of you! 


Harry Potter Order Of The Phoenix Patreon 1


James Ventola

Think the fans area ready for Oak rewatch of the first 4....


Luna Lovegod

Artem Dmytrenko

geez, guys were talkative that day)


I hate Umbridge. But I love her office and outfits 🤣 I've been thinking of dressing as her for Halloween one year lol


Hey Guys, Great content your creating here. Really enjoying it a lot! I personally preferred the YouTube video's because they offer you more possibilities to resize the window and play it alongside the original video. Vimeo only has the option of watching it embedded here in Patreon or watch it in full screen. I don't know what options there are if the video would be watchable on the site of vimeo, but I can't find any video's on your vimeo channel. Also the reason why you're switching to vimeo doesn't really come to fruition in my opinion, because I don't find that there is a lot less blurring than with the youtube video's.

Badd Medicine

Thank you for the feedback. For the difference between the 2 fire us, we are able to go more than 4 second on Vimeo without getting a block on YouTube. Vimeo allows us to do more interns of showing more for sync. But I understand where your coming from as far as a player side. YouTube has PIP. I don't believe Vimeo has that yet.

Rasgriz Rising

you asked about trelawnys predictions, she actually is a seer but has only had 2 real predictions, the first we saw was in prisoner of azkaban when she goes all weird and tells harry about voldemorts return and hints at scabbers reveal, her only other real prediction was the one in this movie that was the weapon voldemort was after, he had only had part of the fortune before and its what caused him to hunt down harry and lose his powers but if he had heard the whole fortune he could have avoided everything

Kymberlee Shakoor-Asadi Preston

I don’t have a cat named Crookshanks, but I do have a cat that’s white with blue eyes named Albus and 3 rabbits names Ron,Fred, and George! Lol

Kymberlee Shakoor-Asadi Preston

I’m 28 and I grew up on Harry Potter so it’s like my world. But I always love and appreciate watching someone who wasn’t a fan or someone who never thought they could appreciate the movie’s finally tapping in and seein what it’s all about. You got it right in the last reaction that Harry Potter was made for a generation. But Oak even though you didn’t watch them at the time time you knew of them and you can even place memories back to when they were out. I’m just glad you’re finally seeing and understanding the magic that is Harry Potter. I’ve seen the movies idk how many times and Im still crying watching this reaction, the messages and emotions from this series sticks with you especially if you read as well as watched!

Badd Medicine

Great stuff here. Thank you for this. 🤙 It won't get old seeing how this franchise impact on so many people. Just amazing.


This video won't play 😭


Google Chrome on my Phone

Badd Medicine

See if this helps... 1. Clear your browser cache and try again. You can do this via Settings > More Tools > Clear browsing data. 2. Open Chrome > Settings > Advanced settings > System. Toggle Use hardware acceleration when available to the Off position.


I got it ...THANKS!!! I've loved watching you get sucked into the HP Series!! I read the books in my 30's after my students begged me to. I can't believe I resisted reading them for so long.


New to the community here!👋In regards to what The Oak was saying at the end, yes, it was great to grow up with these movies. A lot of people who are fans of Harry Potter today are not just fans because of the movies and the books and the cool world of magic. It's because they grew up learning the many lessons in the story with this group of kids at Hogwarts who, when you look past the magic, are going through the same thing that they are going through. Since they were made to grow with the generation, a lot of the age group (I would say "millenials" for the most part) would be encountering situations in their real life that they apply these lessons and outlooks to, while otherwise feeling alone, inferior, doubtful of themselves and who they're turning out to be as they grow up, and scared of all of that because "kids can be cruel" as they say, and people dealing with these things can easily become a target because of them. No matter what someone is going through, there are so many different characters in these books/movies that someone can relate to and see themselves in, and be inspired to be brave, confident, or even just happy♥️That's the core of the fanbase, and the reason why we have such a special place in our hearts for this series

Badd Medicine

Welcome! Glad your here! Well said here. Oak has done such a 180 and realized around Goblets that these are movies everyone grew up with. And the life lessons are fantastic in here.

Badd Medicine

We don't own the movie. It's due to copyright laws.

Imnot Acop

Nevel, in the books, is my favorite character. Spoilers for those who didn't read them. In the book, they see Ron's dad in the wizard hospital and, while there, visit lockhard, from the second book, who suffers from amnesia. It brings that childish, silly moment of the second book into a very adult tone, and is great on its own, but what I love about that scene is they is it to introduce what happened to Nevels parents. While seeing lockheart, Harry spots nevel and spends some time with him while he visits his mom. When we meet his mom, she's completely delusional and unaware of where or who she is. We're THEN told immediately that she was tortured into insanity by Lastrange who would later escape.. Never is such a strong, underrated character.


I love seeing Oak’s opinion change on these movies!


I agree, he's my 2nd favorite character, Luna being my no.1.