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Name one super power you wish you had and why? 🤔



Jason O'Rear

Regenerative powers like Wolverine.


I guess teleportation or freezing time. I always end up thinking stuff like "if only I could just be there without having to travel" and "if only I could stop time and get some extra time to sleep/get this thing done" lol

Chapter Eight

Being a Metamorphmagus like Tonks from Harry Potter. The girl in the last film who can change her appearance at will. She can become whatever she wants or whatever person she wants, or just tweak things like her hair style and color or her height or whatever, at will as a natural ability. It's like how Harry can talk to snakes as a magical ability he was born with / didn't have to learn.

Nathalie 9090

Super speed all day!!! I’d get through everything I have to do 10x as fast!!!!

Jain Thorne

I already have a super power which my friends first pointed out to me. I have the amazing ability/luck to always get rockstar parking without even trying. It's crazy the number of times I've pulled up to a place we're going just as someone leaves a prime parking place. It's rare for me to ever have to park more than a block away. The funniest time was when I was going to a movie with friends in a downtown location with no close parking garages. I was a passenger. Finally at a stop light my friend said "Get out. You're driving." Yup, I got in and my very first pass of the entrance a car pulled out literally 10 feet from the entrance. So....no super power wishes for me because having two would just be greedy....haha.


I know most people think it is creepy, but mind reading all the way for me. I don’t want to intrude so must as I want to know people’s real thoughts about me and about them and about the topic we might be discussing. I could change the world if I could see through everyone’s lies and manipulations.


The ability to pause time would probably be the most valuable power in both day to day life and emergency situations . You could get in/out anywhere, be able to take as long as necessary to complete a task. Think of it a parent calls you saying they are having a heart attack. Even if you are a ocean away you could take all the time you need to travel back read journal articles of who is the best doctor etc, compile a team of the best doctors by walking up and carrying them to a central hospital. You have unlimited time. To everyone else's perspective they suddenly appear in the operating room with everting and anything they need.


Professor X for sure. Imagine all the good you can do with that kind of power

Badd Medicine

Freezing time would be really cool to do. So many times it does feel like time goes by quick.

Meghan Renee

Levitation. I'm very VERY clumsy I've been falling since I learned how to walk. Flat surfaces, stairs are my mortal enemy with how many times I've fallen in my lifetime, rocky terrain, ect. If I could levitate the amount of self injury I could sustain would decrease dramatically


The ability to travel anywhere in the galaxy and still survive. Not be immortal, but to just not have to worry that if I teleport to some distant planet it's environment will kill me....haha. That would give me the opportunity to explore all the universe has to offer

important nobody

Teleport. You wouldn't have to pay for travel. If you forget something be back in a blink!


Healing. My mom lived with MS most of her life and I wanted more than anything to see her healed of it. That and I hate to see people suffering and in pain.