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Hello, all! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be recorded tonight and full reaction available tomorrow. One of the guys was not able to make it last night. To give you some insight, our typical night to record movies is Tuesday night and have the full reaction up Wednesday. 🤙 We apologize for any inconveniences.



Andrew Hansen

You guys have a life beyond doing reactions? How dare you?!?!?!? Look forward to it tomorrow. This is one of the best of the movies in my opinion though I rank Prisoner of Askiban as best overall

Carter Rowe

Oh boy I can’t wait for this reaction! I have a feeling the whomping willow (formally known as Oak) is going to love some of the new characters they introduce in this movie!

William Smead

Thanks for the update, I've honestly been refreshing your page waiting for it! Hope you enjoy it, I am CERTAIN yall will have a lot to say about it.

keara king

anxiously awaiting ! it’s seriously the best movie


No need to apologize at all. Love watching you guys, and so excited to see these reactions as the movies go along. I think you'll really enjoy this one.


Honestly I don't love the fifth one, specially when compared to the book... Order of the Phoenix is the thickest book, but this is the shortest movie adaptation of them all!! So imagine how much they left out... But I am so excited for your reaction! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, and hope you are enjoying the journey! :D


Recording Day Folks :)


Sure, they all are ;) Just as OotP is my fav book it still hurts lol. I think they are really going to enjoy it though... Can't wait! :D


That’s so funny. OotP is my least favorite book but my favorite movie. I think the book had way too much downtime and filler. I love this diverse fandom!


Well shit, now what am I going to do tonight? Lol


I love that the trend of calling Oak the Whomping Willow is catching on. Lol


I'm partial to "meme-bro" and "perfect circle."


I’m disappointed. You owe us a video now of the 3 of you abandoning your family for 2 days and going to the Wizarding World at universal.

Erica P.

So excited for this. I think HP5 is actually one of my favorite of the films -- it's not the closest-to-book adaptation, to be sure, but there are some moments where I feel like the film really shines visually. Also some REALLY ... compelling ... characters in this one.


yay super excited!!! don’t apologize we all have stuff to do 😊😊


Haha yes, I guess it depends on what each fan enjoys the most out of the story. 😊 Personally I just adore the political subplot, the budding rebellion, Hermione teaming up with Rita Skeeter and Luna for that battle in the press through The Daily Prophet- The Quibbler, all of Harry's internal turmoil and fear of Voldemort's conexion to his brain, the lenghty occlumency lessons, all of Snape's detailed past memories... Even all the homework and OWLs preparation, Umbridge's ongoing beef with all the other teachers, the prohecy mystery itself... There was also an EPIC quidditch game... These all felt so exciting to me!!!! I remember being just glued to the book, insanely absorbed in the story. I re-read the whole thing like 5 times lol


I think you’ll probably like this one, or I guess you’ve already seen it now. So I think you probably did like this one.


When when when 🤣😑😑

William Smead

But when today? Need this for the afternoon of work lol!


And here in Europe is the evening alreadyyyy!! 😃 😇


Yeah, I don't want to have to stay up all night 😂 Here in Italy it's almost 9pm.

Badd Medicine

It's currently being exported. Then need to be uploaded. Looking at a couple hours. Apologies to our friends across the pond.


I feel you man... Tuning in from Germany, same time :) Budding excitement building here across the HP fanbase... :D


Heey thanks for the update!! No apologies needed, you guys rock :D

William Smead

The fact that you have people begging for your content is a very good sign for a new youtube channel!!


Thank you for the update, it's 10 pm here in Romania and waited the whole day for this !

Badd Medicine

@Rhiannon. Our apologies. We didn't finish recording until 1030p our time, then we upload to Google drive which takes a few hours. Then in the morning Diamond Dave grabs the files, throws them in the editor and makes the nessacary edits. Just to give you some insight on the process. 🤙 rendering unfortunately, takes a bit and also the upload.


I am so excited! No need for apologies, you guys are still much faster than a lot of other reactors getting through this series. It is a treat to get the movies this fast!


No worries! I have something to look forward to watch tomorrow evening after work (watching from Austria) :) Just finished the 4th and can't wait for the rest of the movies~ Take care :DD


It's so strange waiting for this reaction. I'll admit, I'm a big time nerd/geek and when I see you three, I see guys who would have looked at me in school and laughed, but here they are, past the 2 movie barrier and finding themselves gripped by a little boy who lived under the stairs. They are part of your world now, and for a 36 year old nerd, that is a great achievement. I love how, the whomping willow(Oak) looks for life lessons, morals of stories, the mouse and the lion moment. The most wholesome person, wrapped in the buffest package. Then we have The Answer, who is always just invested in what he watches, the others are joking and he is like, "Hey, pay some attention to the story.." haha Diamond, has the great wonder to him, always amazed by what he says and appreciative of it. Enthused by what's going on...questioning. Love it. Then of course Quinn...the man trying to keep it all together. He is like a mixture of all of them, inquisitive, carefree, along for the ride and ready to learn something but in a way he is like Mrs Frizzle, always inviting us along on a crazy adventure. Thank you guys for all you do and can't wait for the rest of these. Sorry for any misspellings, as well as leaving a story to read. Haha

Badd Medicine (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 11:21:01 Thank you! Extremely kind of you. Let me give some insight to us, back in those days we definitely wouldn't have laughed at you. Mason Quinn was big into D&D. Diamond Dave rocked a bowl haircut until the day he graduated. The Answer, played video games nonstop. And The Oak, yeah he was a football player, but he and the guys always tried to get along with and respect everyone. And he watched every rom com of the 80s and I think he could recite everyone if I am not mistaken lol! Just know, we are right there with you! We really appreciate the support! Thank you again!
2022-05-05 22:58:28 Thank you! Extremely kind of you. Let me give some insight to us, back in those days we definitely wouldn't have laughed at you. Mason Quinn was big into D&D. Diamond Dave rocked a bowl haircut until the day he graduated. The Answer, played video games nonstop. And The Oak, yeah he was a football player, but he and the guys always tried to get along with and respect everyone. And he watched every rom com of the 80s and I think he could recite everyone if I am not mistaken lol! Just know, we are right there with you! We really appreciate the support! Thank you again!

Thank you! Extremely kind of you. Let me give some insight to us, back in those days we definitely wouldn't have laughed at you. Mason Quinn was big into D&D. Diamond Dave rocked a bowl haircut until the day he graduated. The Answer, played video games nonstop. And The Oak, yeah he was a football player, but he and the guys always tried to get along with and respect everyone. And he watched every rom com of the 80s and I think he could recite everyone if I am not mistaken lol! Just know, we are right there with you! We really appreciate the support! Thank you again!