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TMNT: MUTANT MAYHEM delivered one of Summer 2023's best surprises... and also one of it's stupidest controversies. What fake thing did The Internet get mad about this time?


New Big Picture - YOU FLIRTY RAT #TMNT

TMNT: MUTANT MAYHEM delivered one of Summer 2023's best surprises... and also one of it's stupidest controversies. What fake thing did The Internet get mad about this time? #TMNT #TMNTmutantmayhem #mutantmayhem


Jason Youngberg

Not a fan of that trill thing, especially when it happens so often. Please change it or remove it. To answer the question you asked at the end, it's money and power. Whether or not they actually believe it, they know it will drive views which leads to money and having power over your audience. They do it because they can't afford not to do it. I used to subscribe to a YouTube channel where the videos would be 10 reasons not to move to [state or city] along with some 10 reasons to move to [state or city]. Guess which one got more views. Negative videos tend to do better. I'm sure there's some psychological reason for that. You've been part of the Escapist. Why do you think Yatzee has been able to do what he does for so long? His creative insults. It sells so it thrives.


Like your content, but the beeps at the edits here are extremely annoying.


Hey Bob, love your videos man. I usually try to stay above the fray but uh... I think your being a little too hard on Ice Cube with this one. Just because he's anti-vax ( I'm vaccinated btw) doesn't make him a (quote on quote) "bad person". Just because he spoke to Tucker Carlson doesn't make him Tucker Carlson. Do you think a dude who wrote a song called "FUCK THE POLICE" is gonna start trusting the government now? Cube's always been Cube. You may not agree with his choice but... That's on him. As for the Jackie Chan thing... Unless you have footage of him making bigoted remarks himself... That too is a reach (or at least deserves a longer explanation, I think). You're taking the article at its word. Keep the videos coming Bob, you're one of the best.


I don't know the article about Jackie Chan supposedly being homophobic. For all I know, the reason he avoids contact with his daughter is because she came from an affair he haid when he was already married and had a son with his wife. Reportedly he never supported her or her mother, which doesn't help painting him as a nice person (along other thing like voicing support for the CCP's suppressive politics despite being born and raised in Hongkong) but happened long before she could have turned out to be lesbian. This coming from a longtime fan since the 90s who started practicing martial arts because he loved those movies and still watches them to this day. But I learned he might not be such a nice person as his public persona might make you believe, unfortunately. Nobody's perfect.