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Schlocktober 2023 BEGINS!  Richard Chamberlain scours the seedy corporate underworld of 1980s Toronto on the hunt for a serial killer who has invented a way to blow people up via telephone - a crime almost as absurd as how easy it turns out to be to solve it. Come for the still-safer-than-a-Tesla exploding dial-up, stay for the wildly overqualified level of talent in front of and behind the camera gobbling up Canadian Tax write-off dollars to turn it into a movie you won't believe you've never heard of!



Schlocktober 2023 BEGINS! Richard Chamberlain scours the seedy corporate underworld of 1980s Toronto on the hunt for a serial killer who has invented a way to blow people up via telephone - a crime almost as absurd as how easy it turns out to be to solve it. Come for the still-safer-than-a-Tesla exploding dial-up, stay for the wildly overqualified level of talent in front of and behind the camera gobbling up Canadian Tax write-off dollars to turn it into a movie you won't believe you've never heard of! #Schlocktober #Halloween #Canada


Jason Youngberg

This reminds me of IDW Transformers where a Decepticon named Tarn could kill a bot with his voice. Something about getting the frequency of his voice to sync with the brain circuits until they overload. So he'd monolog and the victim would listen for a bit before realizing something is wrong but by then it was too late and a few seconds later their head explodes.

Matthew Parmeter

Huzzah! It's spooky season once again. Bring it on. I'm ready for whatever you have for us this year, Bob.