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Hey everyone.

So, I decided to dip into the Patreon coffers last month to finally get something I've been meaning to buy... a PC.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Console peasant and all that. I used to be a PC gamer back in the day, when they had much better picture quality than consoles, and exclusives I really liked. But I fell out of love with PCs and Windows a few years back and switched to an iMac. 

That's done me well, and I'll still be using it for making videos, but I definitely needed a rig (do we still call them rigs?) for playing games for the channel. Event[0] ran like dog-ass on my Mac, for example. 

So I got a PC. Now, loads more games will be 60 FPS, picture quality will be improved overall, older games will look super sharp, and I can cover more stuff. Oh, and people will (hopefully) stop moaning about controllers and consoles in the YouTube comments.

One thing I really like is that I can capture footage from it onto my Mac, exactly like I do for console games. So, the image above is showing the PC being captured in my Elgato software on the Mac. 

That's awesome for a speedy workflow, puts zero strain on the system while gaming, and I can check it's recording properly on the Mac monitor while playing the PC game on my TV. 

If you're interested, the specs are:

  • An i5 processor.
  • A GTX 1070 graphics doodad.
  • A big ass cooler that almost sticks out the case.
  • 16GB of RAM.
  • What else do you need?
  • Oh yes, a motherboard signed by noted e-thlete Fatal1ty
  • A chunky power supply.

For now I'm using my TV as a screen, but might buy a monitor down the line.

Anyway. Next video is coming along okay. Just beating the script into shape. Haven't started Psychonauts yet as I was waiting for the PC bits to turn up! And I need to start thinking about the second vid for Feb.





Yay! More potential content!


"Oh, and people will (hopefully) stop moaning about controllers and consoles in the YouTube comments." That was me. Thank god for this. I really recommend getting an actual monitor as TVs have crazy input lag. You don't need anything fancy, although with a 1070 it would show. :)


Please don't use a TV lol. I think it would probably be better getting a slightly shitter GPU and using the money on a good monitor (like the TV will probably end up being a "bottleneck" in this build... but not quite since it's easy to upgrade). But I am definitely someone who cringed internally when you mentioned you played things on console lol. I don't know - I don't really care that much, though personally I've found myself almost completely unable to go back to FPSs on controllers after playing on PC for a while.


Can you share the specs on the iMac?


Cheers man! I hope you enjoy it! I built my PC in the holiday season of 2014, and ever since, I've enjoyed it mostly as a definitive way to experience... indie games. Is that weird? So many people tout PC as the gaming platform of power and 60+ fps!!!... But I like it most for the abundance of smaller games. There are a lot of indie console exclusives to either the PS4 (Rocket League, Transistor, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture...) or Xbox One (Ori, Superhot...), but just about every indie game that I can think of, except for Bound, Journey, and Flower, has come to the PC. There are also games like Undertale, Gone Home, To The Moon, and Event[0] that were never released on consoles. PC just has a really good library overall, and it's fantastic for older games too without having to worry about backwards compatibility.


Nice, sounds like it'll give you few decent benefits. I look forward to seeing the results.


Yeah, it's this one. It's my baby. 3.2GHz Processor 1TB Storage 3.2GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 processor Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz 8GB (two 4GB) memory, configurable up to 32GB 1TB Fusion Drive1 AMD Radeon R9 M390 with 2GB video memory Retina 5K 5120x2880 P3 display


>> e-thlete Sounds like someone listens to Idle Thumbs here ;)


Welcome back.


It just occured to me. Now that you have a decent rig, will you consider buying an Oculus (with Touch of course) in the future?


HI Mark! What is your opinion about the famous 60fps to make a game "playable"?


It doesn’t apply to me, that’s for sure. I like and prefer 60, but i wouldn’t discount a game that’s running at less. There are so many things I value more in games!