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So, a while back IGN asked me if I'd like to work with them, either by syndicating my content on their channel or having me make exclusive stuff.

I asked you guys for advice, and we came to the conclusion that it would be okay for them to syndicate, but I should make everything for my channel first. Good call.

Anyway, so I agreed to that and then things went silent for ages and I assumed they just forgot but then, they finally got back in contact and now the video (Shovel Knight) is online!


It's kinda weird. But I'm basically just seeing it as an advert for Game Maker's Toolkit. Give IGN's 8 million subscribers a taster episode and if they like it, they can subscribe to me too.

So yeah. I didn't get paid anything for this, but decided that the exposure to so many gamers was worth it. But I doubt I'll be doing it again :P Let's stick to my channel from now on!

Anyway, new video real soon ($5 Patrons tomorrow). And another in the works too that I'm really excited about. It's like a classic GMTK with examples from loads and loads of games.

And then Zelda's out so I'll probably do something on that - if I can tear myself away for long enough! And there's the Psychonauts thing coming up soon (just got into the Asylum), and I'm judging games for an awards thing next week. And I got For Honor in from my rental company so I'll be trying that. Busy busy busy.

Okay. Let me know if you have any questions on the IGN thing. Or anything. Or what your favourite colour is. 



Green is dah best, obviously. Anyway, now that the boss keys is finishig I'm guessing if you thought about doing an "special spin-off video" (An spin-off of a spin-off indeed...) about the dungeons in games that are inspired by the Zelda main games. Games like both Darsiders, Kameo or Starfox Adventures, for example. I think it may be interesting to put the eye into this games and try to find where they succed when they "copy" the formula, and where they fail (Or at least why they didn't became such a praise games like the "true zelda games"). I don't know, I thought that could be a wonderful way to finish the whole "Boss Keys" series whith a chapter when can be put together some of the things that we learned during the series and compare what another developers understood or what their vision was about the dungeons in Zelda (Or at least what they put in their own games looking what Nintendo did previously). Anyway, thanks for your work again !

OSW Review

Congrats! Hope you get lots of new eyes on your work. See if IGN can add annotations to your channel/related vid for the next GMTK vid they put online! Oh and royal blue!


Starfox Adventures would be a really interesting study


"So yeah. I didn't get paid anything for this, but decided that the exposure to so many gamers was worth it. But I doubt I'll be doing it again :P Let's stick to my channel from now on!" How come? Did it go badly in the comments or something?