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Hey! Just wanted to check in and give you a heads up on what to expect on the channel in the next few weeks

The next episode will be on Mirror's Edge Catalyst. It's a deep dive into the game's open world - what they got right and what they got wrong - and I reckon I'm going to call it "What Mirror's Edge Catalyst should have learned from Burnout Paradise"

Finished the script on that one and will start putting it together for early next week. I need to finish up some freelance magazine work and then that video will be my focus.

Then after that I'll start work on the next episode of Boss Keys, which will be about Link's Awakening.

Sometime around then I'll put out the Patreon rewards - playlist, reading list, and newsletter. Haven't really played anything indie lately but that new game from the Limbo guy is coming out and I'm sure I can find some good stuff on Steam.

Then I reckon I'm going to get this Downwell episode out. It's about how almost every single part of Downwell serves two purposes. It's a very elegant and cleverly made game. And definitely deserves some love. I was surprised to see people ask "what game is that?" when I showed it during the controller episode!

Probably Ocarina of Time Boss Keys after that. I actually have all the footage and notes for this one - I did it first before deciding that I was being stupid and needed to start with some 2D games. So that shouldn't be too tough to do.

And then, I realise that I haven't done an episode on a general topic for a while. Other than controllers I've recently done episodes on individual games like Hitman, Star Fox Zero, and Spelunky. And will have done Mirror's Edge and Downwell by this point.

So definitely want to get back into doing episodes about a general topic and how it pertains to lots of different games (ala the episodes on death, climbing, and morality). One I'm thinking about is health. Played any games that do something a bit different with health?

Anyway, that's what I'm thinking right now but I'm awful and always change my mind last minute.

Thanks for your continued support. Hope you've enjoyed E3 week - it was a bit of a let down at the start of the week, to be honest, but Sony brought the hype with a terrific show. Didn't watch Nintendo's because I don't want Zelda spoilers!

Seen anything interesting announced, demoed, or revealed during the show?



Mark, just to let you know, Nintendo has shown the new Zelda without any spoilers on propose (which it may not be the best way of showing it) so maybe you can even have a small look at it.


No spoilers, but hours of gameplay. I've watched the trailer and the amiibo trailers, but nothing else. Which sucks because I'm not getting a good look at the interface, but I really don't like that they're posting whole sections of the game, even if they end up being small in the grand scheme of the game's scale.


This is unrelated to the question you asked, but... have you considered asking patrons to vote on some of your ideas ahead of time and setting your release order on that? It might not work because of a) the creative process, b) the amount of time you need to capture / edit the video, or c) not wanting to give away ideas that could be utilized by other creators or spoil the surprise of a new episode. Personally, I'd love to have the sneak peak and begin thinking about the future episodes / getting excited for them.


I'm not against it, but I'll probably just end up dissapointing everyone because what inevitably happens is I'll have an idea of what videos I want to do next, then I'll play something or think of something and get so excited about it I'll ditch all the other videos and do that! So if you guys picked a topic I'd end up delaying it for 6 months :P But I'm sure I can find ways of bringing in requests or voting in some way. Will keep it in mind. Did want to do this game club / book club thing, too, but keep being busy with freelance work.


Hi Mark, For games that do something special with health, I think of the new DOOM. There you get health back when doing a melee-finisher (Glory Kill) on enemies. And of course the way how Bloodborne handled their health -with attacking quickly after receiving damage, results into getting some or your health back.


Ah nice, haven't checked out Doom yet. I know Warhammer something or other does something similar but will definitely get my hands on Doom and check that out. Thanks Oskar!

Ossian Olausson

I was completely enthralled when the Kojima Productions logo flashed up on the screen, and i heard the bombastic music. Hideo tells us that he doesn't give a fuck about Konami anymore and tells us to enjoy the cinematic right? then theres a naked guy on a beach (naturally i think Norman Reedus is the coolest guy in the world since i'm a AMC Walking Dead fan so i was pretty excited about that), and he has a baby and a cut on his stomach or something? And there's these flying guys in the sky and his blood is black(?) I didn't reeeally get it but i don't think that matters because it felt cool anyways like his work always does, i got somewhat of a grasp of Death Stranding, and boy am i excited. Grow Up seems pretty cool, couldn't really see what was different from the first one but nevertheless stoked about that and also the new Zelda seems spectacular, open world-esque definitely 'll be keeping an eye on that. C ya around Mark, good luck on these next videos!


Games that do something different with health - well, Smash Bros' system is a fantastic alternative to HP bars in my opinion :-)


Hey Mark, if you want to talk about health in gameas, you could look at the two amnesia Games and their relation to health. In the first one you almost die instantaneous if a monster gets to you, whereas the second title "a machine for pigs" allows you to be hit by monsters and still live. I at least found the first one to be way scarier because of that


Health related: I was watching an interview with Matt Nava from Giant Squid at E3 2015 (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5x-XKyyZNU)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5x-XKyyZNU)</a> he talks a bit about how they were using other systems that don't give you a "game over" state in Abzu, I'm assuming similar to the way it works in Journey (later in the interview a shark eats one of the player's drones). Journey is a good example of a health system where "losing health" doesn't mean you fail and start the level again, but you're still motivated to avoid losing health. Especially in the early game you learn to love flying and then all the forces that prevent you from flying feel extra oppressive in contrast. Perhaps there is some more footage from this E3 that has detail on Abzu's alternate systems. Just as an extra note on Abzu there's a great blog post they wrote on fluid motion (<a href="http://giantsquidology.tumblr.com/post/144615245984/fluid-motion-in-abz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://giantsquidology.tumblr.com/post/144615245984/fluid-motion-in-abz</a>û). Anyway, health sounds like a super interesting topic, can't wait!


I'm loving the direction you're going with boss keys Mark!!! for games that use health in interesting ways you've gotta check out Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland where your currency and health are one and the same, it's a very interesting game that explores the money/health crossover in almost every aspect of it's design.


David Cage's games have almost non existant health but still manages to capture the essence of distress and panic by including more dramatic music or making the character you're playing suffer from it's consequenses (eg hurting yourself in Heavy Rain impacts your running speed during the last segment in the mill)