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Hello you lovely lot

As promised, my new episode is on Mirror's Edge Catalyst. If you didn't hear, the game made a switch from the linear levels of Mirror's Edge 1 to an open world for Catalyst... sort of. 

Actually, DICE kinda wimped out and made the main game completely linear, but then littered those awesome main levels about an open world.

This sandbox city was the source of a lot of the game's criticism, so I thought it would be fun to do a deep dive into this aspect of the game. Take a balanced view and look at what works and what doesn't. And compare it to some games of a similar nature that work a lot better. 

Hope you like it. I think it's important to look at why games don't work, as well as why they do! 

Next up: Link's Awakening boss keys. Really looking forward to making this - I've played most of the dungeons now and they are fascinating. 

Oh, PS. I do that thing on the credits where I anonymise your names. What do you think with that? Would you prefer your whole name? Lemme know what you think. It's so immensely awesome to be able to thank the people who have most helped GMT, right there in the videos. So I want to get it right. 


What Mirror's Edge Catalyst Should Have Learned From Burnout Paradise | Game Maker's Toolkit

Uploaded by Game Maker's Toolkit on 2016-06-19.


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