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So, as mentioned, Boss Keys is a spin-off mini series where I analyse the dungeon design in a bunch of Zelda game so I can make an episode of GMT about the topic. 

This is episode 1, about Link to the Past. I'll set it live sometime later today. Lemme know what you think! As promised, I don't charge for these.

As for real GMT stuff - I'm working on a freelance article this weekend but then back to videos after that.

I'm thinking about doing a video on Mirror's Edge: Catalyst at some point. I liked doing the Star Fox Zero Deep Dive and could see that being a video type I do every now and again - kind of like a review, but intensely focused on one contentious part of the design (in SF0's case: the controls. For Mirror's Edge: the open world). 

We'll see.

It's E3 next week! I always enjoy this stuff - it's easy to be cynical and snarky. To roll your eyes at the console exclusives and preorder DLC and the bullshit stage demos. And to cringe at the exec banter on stage. But I love it all. It's a time for silly surprises and tonnes of leaks and brand new memes and Twitter being basically unusable for 3 days. Can't wait. 


Zelda: Link to the Past's dungeon design | Boss Keys

Uploaded by Game Maker's Toolkit on 2016-06-10.



Very cool! I've only had the opportunity to play a couple of the Zelda games, but I always thought the way OoT handled progression by gating areas and making them only accessible with new abilities gained from other areas kinda interesting. Looking forward to the rest of this series :)


I vote Link's Awakening! First Zelda game I ever played.


I vote Link's Awakening! I've never played but I've heard its really inventive and uses space interestingly!


Links Awakening. It's the best one in the series. As for critique, I enjoyed the more relaxed script but would suggest that when talking about map layouts and keys, take it down a notch. It's kinda hard to follow along with a map in your face and at the same time trying to understand the fundamentals of the layout. Other than that, I can't wait to see more of the series! :)


Great video. Really interesting analysis of the dungeons, and clearly lots of work went into it. I would absolutely look at Link's Awakening next - I only played it fairly recently on the 3DS Virtual Console, but was surprised at how good it is. An 8-bit handheld game originally made with a palette of four colours, yet it more than holds its own against others in the series. Despite the limitations of the system and the limited controls, the dungeons never feel scaled down in any way, and it uses the single screen scrolling to its advantage. Brilliant game.


I vote Link's Awakening too! My first Zelda, my favourite one.


I'll excited for this series. I spent a lot of time analyzing Zelda dungeons for an abandoned idea for procedurally generated dungeons - it's cool to see someone else come to the same conclusions

Vesselin Jilov

I loved this. I haven't truly played through the Zelda games for various reasons. But I'm obssessed with this type of level design - it is a rarity nowadays, and you really explain very well how it works. Regarding Star Fox Zero, I hated that video, because I was soooo uninterested in it :) I prefer to believe that I paid for this Boss Key episode ;)

Sacha Greif

Awesome video! I spent to many hours on Link's Awakening… I hope you do it next!


Definitely outside the scope of this serious but I run a DnD group and Zelda puzzles are a fantastic template. However, it's been a painful lesson that most of the zelda puzzles fall apart with more than 1 active player. I would love to hear a deep dive investigation into multiplayer puzzle designs of this variety (i.e. puzzles solved by navigating and understanding 3d/2d space)


Loved this! While it's hard to choose, I'm less familiar with Link's Awakening, so I'm more curious as to how those dungeons compare to that of the "main series" games.


Great stuff. I can't wait to see your analysis of the dungeons in Link's Awakening. Easily my favourite Zelda game.


I say do Link's Awakening next. Look at another 2D Zelda before making the jump to OoT.


Honored to be one of the cool weirdos. And, I second Christopher: Link's Awakening next! And, please please please don't forget about the Oracle games. Most underrated Zelda games by far.


Great stuff Mark, thank you! I'm very interested how the difficulty has changed comparing the new Zelda titles with the old ones, especially how it is in Link Between Worlds. Please try to consider it and sharing your thoughts. As for the next one, I vote for Link's Awakening!