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Hello super special Patreon people. You're the best. Yes, you. You're the best. 

This episode is about a game I really love - Vanquish - and about how it borrowed the best bits of PlatinumGames's brawlers (like Bayonetta and MadWorld) to craft a shooter with an extraordinary amount of depth and opportunity for mastery

By the way, if you have any issue with how your name is shown in the credits at the end lemme know and I'll fix for next time.

Thanks so much for your support this month. 


Game Maker's Toolkit - Depth, Mastery, and Vanquish

Cover-based shooter Vanquish comes from PlatinumGames - a developer best known for beat 'em ups like Bayonetta and MadWorld. In this video I look at how Vanquish borrowed the best elements of Platinum's brawlers to make a shooter with an extraordinary amount of depth and opportunity for mastery.


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